Chapter 2 New student

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Thronevale University of Royal Relations

A black motorcycle roared through the university gates at full speed, its engine growling like a beast unleashed. Students scattered, their attention magnetically drawn to the bike as it tore across the campus grounds. Whispers and gasps rippled through the crowd, eyes widening in disbelief.

The rider, face obscured by a sleek black helmet, leaned into the curves with expert precision. Without slowing, they aimed straight for the exclusive kids' parking lot, a space strictly off-limits to everyone else. Tires screeched as the bike came to an abrupt halt, perfectly parked between the brightly painted lines.

For a moment, silence fell over the courtyard as the stunned students stared, mouths agape. The rider dismounted, clad in an imposing black leather jacket adorned with intricate silver studs, exuding an aura of untouchable coolness. Slowly, the helmet was removed, revealing a girl with jet-black hair and piercing eyes. Her enigmatic confidence left everyone buzzing with curiosity and awe.

Ignoring the whispers and curious glances from the crowd, she strode purposefully towards the entrance of the university, her presence commanding attention without a single word. The students watched in silence, captivated by the mystery of the girl in black.

she exuded an aura of enigmatic confidence as she strode towards the reception desk.

"Welcome to **Thronevale University of Royal Relations** How can I assist you today?" The receptionist's warm greeting contrasted with the coldness in Aishaa's voice as she replied, "I'm a new admission. I'm here for my schedule." The receptionist smiled understandingly, replying, "Ah, the new student. I've been expecting you. Allow me to take you to the office." Aishaa simply nodded in response.

As Aishaa followed the receptionist to the office, a mix of apprehension and determination swirled within her. Despite her outwardly cold demeanor, she was driven by a deep eagerness to uncover the university's secrets and fulfill her purpose for being there. Meanwhile, the receptionist led her with a friendly disposition, oblivious to the enigmatic journey that lay ahead for the new student.

"Here," said the receptionist, gesturing towards the office entrance. Aishaa nodded in acknowledgment and offered a simple "thanks." The unexpected gratitude from Aishaa caught the receptionist off guard, as she was the first student to express such courtesy in the university.

The receptionist smiled warmly at Aishaa's courtesy, pleasantly surprised by her gratitude. It was a small gesture, but it spoke volumes about Aishaa's character. As Aisha walked towards the office, the receptionist couldn't help but feel a sense of optimism about the new student's presence at Thronevale University of Royal Relations As the receptionist walked towards her office, the receptionist couldn't shake the feeling of intrigue about Aisha. Her demeanor may have been cold, but her gesture of gratitude spoke volumes. It hinted at a depth of character that the receptionist found fascinating. Perhaps Aishaa would bring something unique to the university, something that went beyond academic pursuits.

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