Chapter 9 "Strategic Maneuvers"

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She turned around slowly, her face a mask of innocent curiosity. "Is something wrong?" she asked, her voice smooth and calm.

Aarav, Shivanya, and Aryan were standing by their lockers, which were now overflowing with garbage.

The stench and mess were undeniable, and their faces were red with fury.''You did this!" Aryan accused, pointing an angry finger at Aisha.Aisha raised an eyebrow, her expression one of mild surprise. "Me? Why would I do such a thing?" she replied, her tone perfectly neutral.

Shivanya stepped forward, her eyes blazing. "Don't play innocent with us, Aisha. We know it was you."Aisha shrugged lightly, her demeanor unflappable. "I don't know what you're talking about. Maybe you should be more careful with your trash.''

As she walked past them, she leaned in just enough for only them to hear, her voice dropping to a low, icy whisper. "This is just the beginning.''

Their eyes widened, the realization of her words sinking in. Aisha straightened up and continued walking, her expression once again serene and indifferent as if nothing had happened.

Aisha walked away, her steps measured and confident, leaving a trail of curiosity and admiration in her wake.She had made her point clear. The reckoning had begun, and she was just getting started

The hallway buzzed with the aftermath of the confrontation, students whispering excitedly about the elite kids' downfall. Aisha walked away, her steps measured and confident, leaving a trail of curiosity and admiration in her wake. She had made her point clear. The reckoning had begun, and she was just getting started.

Aisha walked towards her class, her demeanor as cold and unyielding as ever. She moved with a purpose, her eyes fixed ahead, ignoring the stares and whispers that followed her. Entering the classroom, she took her seat near the back, where she had a clear view of everything and everyone.

The elite kids-Aarav, Kiara, Aryan, and Rudra-entered the classroom shortly after, their expressions a mixture of anger and determination. They took their usual seats, throwing glares in Aisha's direction, but she remained unfazed, her face an unreadable mask.

Throughout the lesson, Rudra's eyes rarely left Aisha. His glare was intense, filled with a mix of hatred and frustration. Kiara and Aryan exchanged looks, their silent communication brimming with unspoken plans and schemes. Aarav, though quieter, occasionally glanced back at Aisha, his jaw clenched.

Aisha, however, did not acknowledge them. Her calm exterior gave nothing away, and she continued to act as though they were of no consequence to her. This only seemed to fuel their frustration further.

The bell rang, signaling the end of the class. Aisha packed her things with deliberate precision and rose from her seat. As she exited the classroom, she could sense the elite kids rising to follow her, their movements hurried and tense.

In the hallway, the elite kids started to follow Aisha, their expressions set with determination and anger. Rudra stood up with a determined expression, ready to confront Aisha. However, as he took his first step, his foot landed on a strategically placed pile of marbles, causing him to slip and crash into a desk. The noise was deafening, and the class erupted into laughter, students pointing and whispering as Rudra struggled to regain his footing, his face flushed with humiliation.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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