Chapter 4 First day in University

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Next Day at Thronevale University of Royal Relations

The morning scene exuded a sense of calm and collectedness, mirroring Aisha's composed demeanor. As the sun gently streamed through the dormitory window, casting soft shadows across the room, Aisha woke up with a quiet sense of determination. Yesterday's unsettling encounter lingered in her mind, but she refused to let it unsettle her resolve.

With deliberate movements, she meticulously prepared herself for the day ahead. Donning her signature black leather jacket, its sleek lines reflecting her understated yet confident style, she felt a sense of familiarity and comfort settle over her. She reached for her mask, its sleek design adding an air of mystery to her ensemble, concealing her features behind a veil of anonymity.

Beneath the jacket, she wore a simple black top, its understated elegance a reflection of her unassuming nature. As she adjusted the mask, securing it in place with practiced precision, she felt a sense of empowerment wash over her. In the face of uncertainty, the mask served as both a shield and a symbol of her determination to navigate the complexities of the day ahead with unwavering composure.

Stepping out of her dorm room, Aisha closed the door behind her with a sense of purpose. The hallway greeted her with a hushed calm, the early hour casting a serene atmosphere over the bustling dormitory.

As she made her way down the corridor, she moved with a quiet grace, her footsteps steady and deliberate.Despite the curious glances and whispers that followed her, Aisha remained unfazed. She had long grown accustomed to being the subject of speculation, her enigmatic aura often sparking intrigue among her peers. But beneath her calm exterior lay a steely determination, a quiet strength that propelled her forward in the face of uncertainty.

Approaching the row of lockers, Aisha came to a stop, her hand poised to open her assigned locker. However, before she could turn the handle, a sudden murmur of voices behind her caught her attention. Instinctively, she turned around to see who had interrupted her moment of solitude

As Aisha turned back to her locker, her ears caught the sound of a scuffle behind her. She glanced over her shoulder to see a group of girls surrounding another student, their hostile energy palpable in the air. Without missing a beat, one of the girls forcefully pushed the student to the ground, a cruel smirk etched on her face

Aisha's expression remained unchanged, her features stoic as she observed the scene before her. Despite the tension in the air, she maintained her composure, refusing to be drawn into the conflict. With a subtle shake of her head, she silently disapproved of the bullying behavior, but she chose not to intervene, her focus firmly set on her own objectives for the day

As the bully's foot hovered menacingly above the girl on the ground, poised to deliver a final blow, a swift movement caught everyone by surprise. Before the bully could execute her cruel act, a forceful kick landed squarely in her stomach, knocking her off balance and sending her crashing to the ground beside her intended victim

As the scene unfolded, the sudden intervention left everyone in stunned silence, their eyes wide with surprise at the unexpected turn of events.

The swift action seemed to materialize out of nowhere, catching both the bully and the bystanders off guard."Who the hell are you?" demanded one of the bullies, her voice dripping with anger and disbelief.

"Aisha," came the cold reply, devoid of any trace of fear or hesitation."What?" the bully retorted, her confusion evident in her tone."You asked who I am, so I'm telling you. I'm Aisha," she replied, her voice firm and resolute, refusing to be intimidated by the hostile atmosphere.

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