chapter 6 The class drama

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She saw a group of students standing at the entrance. The sudden intrusion stirred the room, and whispers quickly spread among the other students. One of the boys looked around the class and stopped when their eyes met. They both stared at each other until the teacher began to speak, breaking the moment.

"Don't any of you know that you should knock before entering a classroom?" said the teacher, glaring at them.

"No, we actually don't know anything like that," said Rudra, not giving a damn about the glare the teacher was giving them.The other students exchanged shocked glances, a few snickers escaping from the back rows.

"Alright, can someone from the group explain why you're always late?" sighed the teacher.

"Traffic, ma'am. You know how it is in the morning," said Aryan, smirking."Traffic? Aryan, how can you be in traffic when the distance from the dorm building to class only takes 15 minutes on foot?" said the teacher, raising an eyebrow and crossing her arms.

"Good point, ma'am," laughed Ishani."Idiot," whispered Kavya loudly.

The class started sniffing, trying to suppress their laughter, but it soon erupted into giggles."Alright, you got us there. But seriously, we just lost track of time," said Aryan, grinning nervously.

"Lost track of time? Every single day? That's not just carelessness, that's a chronic condition. Should I recommend a specialist?" said the teacher, leaning forward, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

The class burst into laughter, and some students started clapping."Maybe we're just not morning people," said Abhiraj, trying to hide his embarrassment.

"Not morning people? Abhiraj, this is college, not a slumber party. You need to adapt. The world won't adjust to your preferences, and neither will I," said the teacher, her eyes narrowing."But, ma'am, it's hard to get up early when we study so late at night," said Aryan, making the others look at him like, "Seriously?" while he looked at them, "Come on, look.

"Oh, so the late-night scholars are gracing us with their presence. Perhaps if you managed your time better, you wouldn't have this problem. Ever heard of time management?" said the teacher, mockingly.

"We do respect you, ma'am. It's just... sometimes things don't go as planned," said Shivanya, defensive."Consistently being late is more than just occasional bad luck, Shivanya. It's a clear sign that you're not making a conscious effort to be here on time. Respect is shown through actions, not excuses," said the teacher, smirking.

"We get it, ma'am. We'll set our alarms earlier, promise," said Rudra, sighing."I hope so, Rudra. Remember, these habits will follow you into your careers. It's important to start building good ones now. Unless, of course, you're planning to be professional excuse-makers," said the teacher, nodding curtly.

"Fair enough. We'll work on it," said Aarav, grudgingly."Good. Now, take your seats. Let's not waste any more time. Open your textbooks to page 34," said the teacher.

"Guess our coffee runs will have to be quicker," muttered Kavya."Or we could just bring it with us," whispered Shivanya.

The class settled down with a few more chuckles as the group walked towards their seats, coincidentally near Aisha's. They sat down, shooting curious glances at Aisha, who remained unfazed, focusing on her own tasks with a serene expression, spreading a quiet sense of tranquility amidst the room's energy.

The teacher began the lecture, her voice filling the room with authority, bringing a sense of focus back to the students. Just as she started to explain the day's lesson, a loud bang at the door interrupted her. Some students couldn't help but laugh, the sound echoing through the room.

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