chapter 7 Elite Encounters

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A boy from her class was slumped against a bookshelf, an injury on his hand. He grunted in pain, struggling to bandage himself with a piece of torn fabric. His face was pale, beads of sweat dotting his forehead.

Suddenly, his eyes widened in surprise. "The new admission," he thought, seeing Aisha approach.

Without hesitation, Aisha quickly knelt beside him, her expression stoic. Without saying anything, she took the bandage from him and started wrapping it around his hand.

"Hey," he said, wincing. "I can manage."

"Clearly," Aisha replied, her tone icy. "That's why you're bleeding all over the place."

He flinched slightly at her words but didn't protest further, watching her work with a mix of curiosity and gratitude.

"I'm Krish, by the way," he said after a moment of silence.

Aisha looked at him blankly. "Do I know you?"

Krish shook his head, a hint of a smile on his lips despite the pain. "We've got math together. I sit two rows behind you."

Aisha shrugged, focusing on the bandage. "Doesn't ring a bell. Try not to move your hand."

Krish watched her, the smile fading as he studied her impassive face. "Why are you helping me?"

Aisha finally looked at him, her eyes cold. "Because if you bleed out in the library, it’ll be a mess, and I don’t want to deal with that."

Krish managed a weak chuckle. "Thanks, I guess.”

She finished the bandage and stood up without another word. Krish opened his mouth to thank her, but Aisha had already turned and walked away, her footsteps echoing through the quiet library.

Krish watched her go, a mixture of confusion and admiration in his eyes. As he watched her disappear into the shadows, he thought, She's like a locked book cold and unreadable on the outside, but I bet there's a story inside that no one knows.

In the conference room of the university

The board members were sitting in their seats, discussing the upcoming The Solstice League. The conversation was intense, filled with strategy and planning, only to be interrupted by a knock on the door, causing all the members to stop talking abruptly.

"Come in," Abhiyan said in a cold tone, his voice sending a shiver down the spines of everyone in the room.A staff member entered the room, visibly shaken. "Sir, the lab class has caught on fire," he said in a scared tone, making everyone in the room gasp in shock.

The tension in the room thickened instantly as the gravity of the staff member's words sank in. Abhiyan's face tightened with concern, and he quickly rose from his seat, motioning for the staff member to continue.

"Is anyone hurt?" Abhiyan asked, his cold tone now replaced with urgent concern.

The staff member shook his head, though he still looked rattled. "No, sir. Thankfully, a student, Aisha, managed to extinguish the flames before they spread too far. But it was a close call."

One of the board members, Dr. Patel, interjected, "How did this happen? The safety protocols should have prevented something like this."

The staff member hesitated before answering. "It appears some students attempted an unauthorized experiment, and it went wrong."

Abhiyan's eyes narrowed, and a flicker of recognition crossed his face. His nephew, Aryan, and his friends had been talking about a new experiment they were excited about. If Aisha was involved, it almost certainly meant they were, too. Abhiyan knew about the animosity Aryan and his friends harbored toward Aisha; their rivalry and jealousy were no secret.

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