Chapter 5

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~Jades POV~

Silently I ripped my wig off and any trace of my guy disguise off and swiftly walked towards kisaki with no light in my eyes and face voided of emotion. With a firm grip to the back of his neck and no hesitation I slammed his face down against the bar not once not twice but three times and let him fall to the ground spitting blood. "The hell do you get off walking in here so casually huh." I spat out my breath in short sharp gasps
Kisaki looks up at me woth a smirk as he adjusted his glasses and stood up facing me directly "were all allowed some fun are we not.." he whispered against my ear making my blood boil even more. At this point ash and ayla were already standing close watching and our cover was blown woth the guys who were also standing around watching this unfold. "Yeah but you are not allowed near US." I growled lowly making him smirk more and the flip in my head switched off and before anyone could realize what was happening i had kisaki on the floor again with me hovering over his chest repeatedly punching his smug expression into his skull. I didnt care where i was or was watching i honestly didnt care about anything in that moment i was blinded by the pit in my stomach and my heart by the rage i felt towards the man who had ruined so many things not just for me but for my Friends and my family. As i swung my fist down again i felt myself pulled off of him aggressively and my arms pinned over my head, my back flat on the floor and still my eyes were empty my face void of any emotion at all my hands covered in blood. "Look at me." Whoever pulled me from kisaki was now hovering above me screaming in my face. I couldnt make out who it was all i wanted to do was get back to kisaki and finish what i started, as i try to free my arms i felt heavier in my chest and warmth engulfed my senses. My breathing calmed and my eyes refocused as i finally got a glimpse of who was above me. His chocolate colored hair hanging down over our faces his breath cascading over my face like a cloud, "jade..stop." Keisuke whispered his face somehow came so close to mine without me realizing it i felt his nose brush mine as he gently let go of my wrist. Tears rolled down my face as i stared up at my best friend the one who i followed without hesitation my soul sisters twin brother.."i..cant.." i cried out softly and before o had time to react i felt his lips barely touching mine as he whispered "you can..just look at me.."
my heart pounded against my chest i could hear it my ears as my eyes locked in on his "kei..?" I murmured out as the light went back into my eyes and my face dropped into a look of pure terror of what i just done.
"Shhhh.." he whispered almost inaudibly as he pulled me into his arms pushing my face against his chest "dont look just focus on me okay.." keisuke whispered as he grasp the back of my head gently holding me tightly against him so I couldnt turn around to see the chaos i had created. My hands gripped his shirt so tightly that my knuckles were white and my arms were trembling. "Im so sorry" I murmured.

~Ayla P.O.V~
-right when Jade leaves-
I watch Jade take off towards Kisaki with rage in her eyes, pulling off my mask and throwing it, I follow her, Ashlynn right behind me. As we get closer to Kisaki I grip Ashlynn hand harder, tears falling from my face, within seconds Jade starts beating on him and I drop into a panic attack, hyperventilating on the ground. "J-Jade" I choke out feeling Ashlynn hold me into her chest so I don't see what happens. Everything becomes blurry, I feel Ashlynn let go of me putting me into the arms of someone else while she's rushes to Jade and I think Keisuke  but I can't tell. I continue to try and breathe hearing Mitsuya voice in my ear "Ayla you're okay baby you're okay" he hold me into his chest and brushes his fingers through my hair. "Mitsuya" I sob into his chest "Jades okay baby, Keisuke and Ashlynn got her just focus on me, Kisaki can't hurt you" Mitsuya hugs me tighter. Once I calm down, I wiggle from Mitsuya grip and look up into his eyes... before my brain can even process what is happening I learn up and kiss him softly, my hands touching his face gently. Once I pull away I hug him again and notice 3 familiar men sitting at a table looking in our direction, I see the man with the purple wolfcut look almost angrily at me but I shake it off and
quickly get my head together and run to Jade, Mitsuya right behind me, "Jade baby are you okay" moving Baji out of the way, I grab her and hug her tightly. "I'm her favourite twin buddy" I joke. 

~Ashlynn's POV~
-when Jade got up and left towards Kisaki-
"Oh fuck, no no no no.." I start to say as I realized I grabbed Ayla's hand and brought her down the stairs with me. I can feel her gripping my hand tighter and tighter I pull her into my chest. I don't know what to say I've never seen Jade act this way. This is how Mikey would act.. I can barely hear Ayla say Jade's name. I look around and see Keisuke pull Jade off Kisaki and I see red. I nod to Mitsuya to come over and place Ayla in his arms and go over to where Kisaki is laying on the floor all bloody. "You little scum bag piece of crap. What the fuck right do you think you have to fucking be here huh!?" I yell at him and grab him by the collar and pull him up. He may be taller than me but at this point I don't give a shit something happened with Jade and it's his fucking fault. I retract my hand into a fist and send him back onto the ground once my fist connects with his nose. I feel the crush of cartilage under my knuckles. All I see is red as I try to calm my breathing down. I'll I can think of is that I'm not my brother. I'm not a murderer but right now I really fucking wish I had no control and let loose. I stand over his figure and spit in his face "if I ever see you here again. I won't hesitate to kill you." I state as I feel someone tug on my hand and look down and see a hand with a kanji tattoo of 'sin' on his hand. "Babygirl calm down. Jade and Ayla need you right now. Just calm down let the rest of us handle it okay?" He says and gives me a chaste kiss on the forehead. I nod and head over to where my girls are. And I see they're both on the ground crying and holding each other with Mitsuya and Keisuke above them being the protectors. I decided to run into their hug and hug them as tight as possible. "It's okay babes. He's being dealt with. I love you both so much just calm down okay?" I say calmly. "Let's go guys, you three have some explaining to do." I hear Mikey say in his usual bored tone.

-back at the Sani house-
"Just what the fuck do you three think you were doing there!?" Mikey yells. Myself Jade and Ayla are all sitting on the couch with our heads down not willing to look him in the eyes. But I decide to finally speak up. "It was my fault I kinda told them about y'all's plan to come out tonight and we thought it would be fun to spy on you but technically it was all my doing. I'm sorry Mikey we just..there was some things we had to know. For personal reasons.." I saw not looking up from my hands in my lap. "No it was a group effort don't even think you're taking the blame Ash!"Ayla yells at me with tears in her eyes.. tonight's been a lot on all of us but especially her and Jade.. "I just don't understand why you guys decided to dress as guys and also where did you get this crap from?" Keisuke asks me directly. "My brother had he stuff in his closet, I'm not sure when or where he got it from but it was in there. As for the makeup and wigs we used stuff I had from that special effects class and the clothes were both yours and his from his room." I state still not looking at any of the guys. "Babe do you know how dangerous this was? What if some dudes picked a fight with you girls? What would happen then?" Hanma steps forward and asks. "I know, I know.I'm sorry okay? We just wanted to know if we were as much of a burden as we think we are..." I said sadly looking at Jade and Ayla who both have been feeling the same way for the last few weeks when the guys kind of just stopped hanging around us unless they were with eachother. "Why would you-oh... Ashlynn thats not even close to how we feel." Mitsuya states as I see him walk towards Ayla to comfort her. Jade gets pulled into a hug by Keisuke and I feel a tug on my hand as Hanma guides me to his chest to give me a hug. "I had no idea you girls felt this way. I'm sorry for failing as a brother and as a leader." Mikey says while walking out of the room.

"I think I'm just gunna head home." I state as I walk out to my car and head home.

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