apologetic, newt

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imagine: he snapped at you, and you both misunderstood.


APOLOGETIC      it was a little later than sunset

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it was a little later than sunset. the sun was still up and about, but it was starting to get dimmer and dimmer outside. the boys had started lighting up fires, and lit the torches while they were at it. the warm lighting was comforting, it helped the glade feel more like home; even if the whole place was destroyed.

last night, shit had hit the fan pretty fast. i don't know how or why, but the doors to the glade hadn't closed when it was supposed to. the grievers had found their way in quick, and unfortunately, chaos immediately ensued and almost all of the glade was lost. everything had been destroyed, except the homestead and the watch tower; though, it was this close to collasping.

tensions in the atmosphere were already sky high in the glade, as gally was quick to accuse thomas of all this happening. i couldn't see how this was all thomas' fault, he had only come up in the box not even a week ago, so how would thomas be able to pull all of this off? he hadn't even seemed suspicious at all, i think gally was just scared and was looking for someone to blame it on.

i sighed solemnly, looking at the aftermath that the grievers had left behind. all this was going to be such a pain to clean up and manage. 'maybe we should make new structures.' i put my hands on my hips, in thought.

i look at the meeting hut, and suddenly it had clicked that i have not seen newt all day. since alby was no longer with us, newt had taken the partial responsibility to take over for alby. though, gally was really pushing it when he demanded thomas to be held in the pit. newt didn't seem to like his opinion, nor even agree with it, but gally wasn't taking no for an answer. per usual.

newt was probably all tied up with everything, but it didn't stop me from missing him. maybe i'd come by and say hello or something. i cared for him alot, and only wanted what was best for him. that meant i was always going to be there for him with whatever he needed. i figured i owed him that much, since he had been such an amazing partner.

i could see minho and jeff walk from out of the medjacks hut. "hey, minho! you see newt around anywhere?" i shouted, trying to stop the sun from going into my eyes by lifting my hand above my eyes. minho turned head, adjusting the debris in his hands.

"i think he's in the meeting hut!" he shouted back, turning to the meeting hut and gestured towards it. i didn't know if he could see that far, but i gave him a smile anyway. i also gave him a thumbs up before shouting, "thanks minho!" before i started to make my way to the hut. hopefully, newt wasn't too stressed out to talk, but we'll see, it's not like i need to see him every minute of the day.

the hut seemed silent as i approached it, and awfully tense. the sound of papers being shuffled around was heard and as i walked in, i could see my newt hunched over a table. he seemed overwhelmed, just by first glance. "hey, you." i spoke quietly, making my presence known to him. newt looked at me, before turning his head back to the table, not fixated on it, but rather thinking about something.

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