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As I took a deep breath and descended the stairs, my eyes immediately fell on my two supposed mates. They stood a little distance away, and I finally got a good look at what they were wearing.

One thing I couldn't help but notice was that the two brothers had similar tastes in color, albeit with their own unique twist. Matthew seemed to have a preference for white, while Xavier leaned towards black. Their shoes were a sight to behold, made of shiny black Italian leather that looked like they cost a fortune.

Matthew wore a crisp white dress shirt, folded neatly to his elbows, and had a serene expression on his face while speaking on his phone in fluent Italian. Xavier, on the other hand, stood with his hands in his pockets, dressed entirely in black, from his shirt to his shoes. Every inch of his attire seemed to exude an air of confidence and authority.

Overall, their outfits were a perfect reflection of their personalities. Matthew was calm, collected, and meticulous, while Xavier was bold, assertive, and exuded a commanding presence.

Wait wasn't his hair brown when I first saw him? I thought.

"I died it" he spoke as if he could read my thoughts.

At his words, I had a flashback for a brief moment but then it disappeared. All I managed to get was the sight of me and then what looked to be a party.

"why is your hair changing color, Xavier?" I asked with wide eyes as I watched him drink red wine. His hair changed with each sip he took, a black darker than my own hair.

I recall our conversation vividly. 'My hair had always been black, Princess, it only changes when I'm thirsty,' he said with a smirk. 'Drink?' he asked, extending the glass toward me. As I took the drink, its metallic flavor instantly brought back memories of my sister and me on the floor of our home, young and naive, watching in horror as chaos played out in front of us.

'Is that blood?' I asked in a low, horrified voice. Matthew turned to me and gave a wink with a finger on his lips, signaling for me to be silent. But I no longer felt safe. A scream came from behind me, and then everything was chaos."


I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I turned to see Matthew with a concerned look on his face. Although his touch was meant to be harmless and comforting, it didn't seem like my body and I agreed as waves of pleasure spread out from the spot where his hand still lay. I had to physically stop a moan at the back of my throat as he gave a little squeeze.

As I cleared my throat and took a step back from him, I couldn't help but notice the smirk on his face. Despite this, I remained composed and took in the surroundings of the house, which had a unique blend of modern and historic architecture that gave it an almost regal feel.

As we walked, I couldn't help but admire the paintings adorning the walls, each one adding to the elegance of the house. However, my attention was soon drawn to a peculiar painting that seemed oddly familiar.

"Is that the Mona Lisa?" I asked, pointing at the painting. Both Xavier and Matthew turned to look at me.

"Yes," Xavier replied, his eyes focused on the painting and then on me.

"So, is it a printed version of the real one?" I inquired with curiosity, my hand reaching out to touch the painting through the glass frame.

"No," Xavier replied in a matter-of-fact tone.

"But isn't the real Mona Lisa in a museum? Moreover, this one seems to be much larger than the original. The real Mona Lisa is about three times smaller than this one," I observed, carefully scrutinizing every detail of the painting.

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