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narrative, social mediajune 17, 2023

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narrative, social media
june 17, 2023

the air crackled with tension as they settled into their new living arrangement, their rooms connected through a bathroom. it was a small detail, but it added an extra layer of discomfort to their already strained relationship.

over the next few days, odessa and paige tried to avoid each other as much as possible, but their paths inevitably crossed in that same shared bathroom. the animosity between them was evident in every glance, every word exchanged.

it wasn't until one evening, as they sat in their shared living room studying, that the tension finally boiled over. "we need to talk," paige said curtly, her voice dripping with disdain. odessa looked up, her eyes flashing with anger. "about what?"

paige's jaw clenched as she struggled to contain her emotions. "about you. about how you ruined everything for me back in the USA basketball days."

odessa felt her own anger rising to the surface. "me? you're the one who couldn't handle losing, paige. you're the one who sabotaged our relationship because you couldn't stand the thought of someone being better than you."

paige's eyes narrowed, her fists clenched at her sides. "you think you're better than me, odessa? you're nothing but a washed-up has-been who couldn't cut it in iowa."

the words cut deep, reopening old wounds that had never fully healed. odessa felt a surge of rage coursing through her veins, but she knew she had to keep her composure.

"i may have left iowa, paige, but at least I had the guts to try. what did you do? you ran away and hid like a coward?" the room fell silent, the air thick with tension as they stared each other down, their hatred burning like a wildfire.

as they sat in silence, the weight of their mutual loathing hanging between them, odessa and paige knew that their road ahead would be fraught with conflict. but perhaps, just perhaps, beneath the layers of resentment and anger, there lay a sliver of respect – a begrudging acknowledgment of each other's talents and determination.

"hey guys," nika said as she walked into the room, immediately feeling the tension floating around. both girls look at her as she continues, "the rest of the team wanted to maybe go out tonight, are you guys down?" she asked them.

odessa stands up almost instantly, craving to get out of this situation. "im down, i need like an hour to get ready." she says walking off.

nika look towards paige, she asks the question her head has been aching to ask. "what was that about paige?" giving paige a look. paige also stands up going to answer, "it's nothing nika. ill go, i need about an hour too."

paige walks off, leaving nika in the room alone to wonder what the hell she just walked in on.

in odessas room, odessa is more than upset. not so much at paige but that she let this happen again. still part of her got a weird feeling when she looked at the girl, almost like the feeling she got when kate texted her.

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