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narrative, flashbackjuly 2, 2023

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narrative, flashback
july 2, 2023

it had been alittle over two weeks since odessa had sent that message to azzi, and it had been two weeks since any of the uconn girls had heard from odessa.

every girl other then paige had texted the girl repeatedly but nothing. odessa hart had ghosted all of them and social media for the last two weeks of her stay.

she had spent those final weeks enjoying her time with her friends, soaking up every ounce of them before training. she knew once they all started training communication would come sparingly.

that worried the girl when it came to her relationship with kate. the older girl had still not asked odessa out, they had been doing things couples do without the title and odessa was getting uneasy.

the girl had even started to question her own feelings on the girl. she knew she really liked kate and how she made her feel, but something felt missing.

kate had started to act off a day or two before odessa was to leave. she constantly found excuses to leave her with the others, and when odessa tried to sleep in bed with her kate would come up with something different to say no everytime.

once they got to the airport kate gave her a very very long kiss in the car and an even longer hug before they got to her gate. she didnt know why but odessa could not shake the feeling she was getting from the girl.

as she stepped onto the plane she felt two feelings, one of dread but also one of relief. she felt relieved that she finally got to see her the people who have grown to be her only family, her biological family didn't speak to her. she didn't talk about it with anyone, she was too scared to.

december 24, 2020
madison, wisconsin

"odessa dear, dinner is ready!" odessa hears her mother call. she sighs as she stands up from her spot in her bed, she had been back home in madison for two weeks for christmas break.

the nineteen year old didn't enjoy coming home, she much prefered iowa to here but she had promised her siblings that she would be home for christmas. so here she was, begrudgingly going down the stairs of her childhood home for christmas dinner.

as she reached the table she saw her newly fifteen year old siblings sitting and her mother putting the last dishes onto the table, she eyes lingered in the empty seat that was meant for her father.

five years ago, just after the twins 10th birthday, her mother and fathers divorced got finalized. her mother had claimed that her father was an alcoholic who couldnt take care of the kids during the custody battle, leaving the court to rule in her mothers favor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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