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narrative, messagesjune 25, 2023

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narrative, messages
june 25, 2023

odessa wakes up in a room that is not hers, looking over she sees that shes in kates room. for the past few nights the girls had been falling asleep in each others rooms, finding comfort in each others presence.

as the girl gets up and walks go her room she thinks about her feelings towards the blonde girl she had woken up next to, her face heating up at the thought.

she walks into the kitchen and sees caitlin at the island, "goodmorning linny," odessa smiles. caitlin looks back at the girl smiling and muttering a "good morning dess." odessa sits, the words lingering in her tounge.

she makes the decision to just say it, "i think i have feelings for kate." immediately regretting the statement as caitlin looks at her, shocked at the outburst. "finally you admit it." caitlin sighs, odesaas looks at her puzzled.

"what do you mean finally?" she asks dumbfounded. caitlin sighs and goes to respond, "look dessa i love you, but i knew you didnt just feel like a friend with her." odessa thinks about it, going through all her interactions with the girl.

"i guess so, i just don't know what my feelings are." odessa says, already stressing at the thought of the other blonde girl back in connecticut. "odessa, if you think its a good choice and you can handle it. i say go for it, she feels the same way you know."

odessas heart skips a beat wheb she hears this, "she does?" caitlin laughs, "yeah odessa she does, i dont see how you never picked up on it." odessa thinks back to all the moments they shared together and realizes the looks, the way kate always stood up for her.

"oh my god." odessa starts. "kate really does like me." she comes to the realization. her heart pounds at evencthe thought of it.

part of odessa wonders if liking kate is the right choice, she's her best friend and she doesn't want to ruin that. she looks to her friend, "cait, what if this ruins us."

caitlins face drops at the mention of this possibility, "even if it doesn't work out i dont think kate would let that happen." as if almost on que kates door swings open to reveal a half awake kate.

odessas face instantly curls into a smile as the taller girl comes up behind her and wraps her arms around her waist. "goodmorning kate." odessa smiles at the girl gaining a mumbled morning back.

caitlin looks between the two and walks out of the room, leaving them alone. kate spins odessa to face her and wraps her arms around her waist, digging her face into her neck. odessa strokes her hair and they stand like there for a minute.

GORGEOUS, p. bueckersWhere stories live. Discover now