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narative, text message june 17, 202311:50 pm

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narative, text message
june 17, 2023
11:50 pm

paige presses odessa against the wall pinning her against the wall, leaning her face to be barely and inch from the girls. "i really want to kiss you dessy." paige says to her, her eyes looking desperate. odessas eyes darken and she puts her hands on paiges waist as paige puts hers on odessas cheeks, "then do it p."

closing the gap, paige meets her odessas lips in an agressive kiss. paiges hand moves over and locks the door and quickly returns to odessas back, moving down and gripping her ass. pushing odess to the edge up the sink and lifting her up by her thighs, setting her down.

paiges lips move from hers to her jaw and then to her neck. kissing and sucking at spots on odessas neck, definitely leaving marks. her hands drift to her thighs squeezing them and pushing her skirt up slightly. "fuck paige," odessa moans while paige kisses at the sweet spot on her neck, her hands going to paiges hair.

"do you like that dessy?" paige says, slightly looking up at her face. odessa pushes paiges head to meet her lips, connecting her in a heated kiss. as they kiss paiges hands go further up odessas skirt, gripping her thighs.

odessa reaches her hands under paiges shirt feeling her skin and trailing her way up to the hem of her sports bra, the tips of her fingers going under and tracing her skin.

paige gasps at the feeling, "dont temp me odessa." odessa smirking at the wat her eyes darkened, she goes to kiss her again when they're interrupted with a knock.

"paige! odessa! are you in there?" nika asks while pounding on the door. paige pulls back and groans, odessa pushing her away and slowly getting off the counter. she stares into paiges eyes as she pulls her skirt back down and fixes her hair and touches up her lipstick.

paige smooths out her shirt and she unlocks and opens the door to the outside, greeting nika with the sight of the two girls. odessa who looks happy as can be while her hair was obviously messed with and her neck is littered with hickeys, and paige who has a look on contentment across her face.

the three girls make their way to the table, all eyes immediately on paige who has a dark pink lipstick smudges across and under her lips. "yo paige, who have you been kissing?" kk teases, paige looks at them confused when azzi continues. "yeah paige whose lipstick is smudged all over you?"

paige takes the back of her hand and wipes it off, shooting a playful glare at the girl she just had the interaction with. all eyes go to odessa, noticing the hickeys across her jaw and neck. ice goes to speak up when the next round of shots is brought over.

paige and odessa both pick up their glasses and pour it down their throats, only thinking of the unfinished events that happened in the bathroom.

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