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narrative, messagesjune 25, 2023

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narrative, messages
june 25, 2023

kate and odessa walk out of the apartment hand in hand no words are said caused by odessas overwhelming embarrassment. as they reach kates car the taller girl opens the door for odessa. odessa blushes and mutters a small thank you as she steps in.

the drive to the restaurant is peacefully quiet, the soft melodies of taylor swift and lana del ray playing in the back. odessas eyes travel to kate finally examining her outfit.

odessas face heats up as she looks at the outfit, kate sports a simple black pants and blazer with a white button up shirt underneath. it was hot, odessa wasnt going to lie. as she eyed kate the girl looked over at her, "staring huh?"

the girl looks away, trying to hide her blush. kate reaches over and put her hand on the smaller girls knee, "dont worry sweetheart, i think its cute."

as if on que they pulled up to the restaurant. kate got out and went to open odessas door, grabbing her hand and leading her to the door to the restaurant. kate held the door open and let odessa walk in.

she grabs odessas hand and walks to the hostess stand, "table for two under martin, we should also have a bottle of wine on preorder." odessa smiles at kates pre planning.

the host nods and leads them to their table. as they reach the table kate walks around the talker girl pulls out odessas chair for her. as they both take their seats and they pour their wine they start to browse the menu, still no words being shared between the two.

a different waiter comes up and asks for their order, kates the first to speak "can i have the chicken parmesan please?" the waiter then looks to odessa, looking her up and down in the process.

"can i have the chicken alfredo please?" odessa says sweetly, not noticing the subtle action how kate notices it. he nods and goes to put the order in.

kate looks at odessa, her eyes changing into the darkened and mischievous glint it had earlier in the night. "so odessa, did caitlin mean what she said earlier?" kate asks.

odessa looks at kate, hoping shes not referring to the conversation she overheard. "what are you talking about?" she says, her cheeks heating up. kate looks at her, smirking with a knowing smile.

"cmon dessy, you know what im talking about." kate says to her. odessa looks back down at her glass of wine, picking it up and taking a long sip. "nope. i have no clue." odessa says, still denying that the conversation is going that way.

kate goes to speak but as soon as she opens her mouth, the waiter comes with their food. suddenly the table is silent again, kate looking at odessa with a smirk as she eats and odessa sits there looking down at her food.

GORGEOUS, p. bueckersWhere stories live. Discover now