08: the truth II

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The day passed as usual, Tzuyu was allowed to go home after being hospitalized. Now Tzuyu is in her apartment, Tzuyu is the youngest child in her family. She comes from a old money family but the wealth she gets doesn't create an image of affection from her own family.

This makes Tzuyu unable to stay in her home country, Taiwan. Tzuyu's parents always treat to lower Tzuyu's self-esteem as if she is an illegitimate child who is not born from their own flesh.

Her older brother, Chou Wen Jun is Tzuyu's only protector, he love Tzuyu very much. he is very kind and humble. Wenjun also taught Tzuyu how to respect and be polite to other people and how to be kind and friendly. Tzuyu respect him a lot.

However, when Tzuyu was 17 years old, Wenjun died in a car accident while he was going to work. His sudden death made Tzuyu very devastated and grieved, there was no one she could trust except her own brother, plus her parents, who were very stingy, sometimes abused her alone at home. until it makes young Tzuyu traumatized by the bonds and affection of love.

Then when she was about moving to college, Tzuyu got a scholarship for studying in Korea. Tzuyu is a child who excels both in her home country and in Korea. At first she tried to make her parents proud but it didn't seem to have any effect on them.

Tzuyu's father, Chou Zhang, was reading the newspaper in the living room with his legs folded, Tzuyu sat across from him to convey this.

"Dad...I got a scholarship at one of the famous universities in Korea." Tzuyu said sitting up straight, looking straight at her father.

Chou Zhang didn't answer for a while, until then he took a glance at Tzuyu slightly then back returned to focusing on his newspaper.

"Why do you have to go to Korea? There's still Europe and America...or you can study in England. My friend's child is studying there and you are studying in Korea which has nothing. It's a waste of time."

Tzuyu's dad spoke very coldly and his expression was flat, this made Tzuyu feel hurt and humiliated. but Tzuyu acted as if it were normal even though she had to endure words from her own father.

"Are you happy about me studying in Korea?" Tzuyu asked in a soft tone, almost breaking off when she wanted to convey the final sentence.

"No." once again her father answered coldly.

Tzuyu glared in disbelief, her hands were clenched on her knees, her neck felt very strangled now, her eyes stared straight until they were red.

"You and Wenjun are the same. There is nothing we can be proud of about you, unless you want me to be proud, then you have to marry Elkie."

Okay that's enough about Tzuyu's self-esteem, she already suspected that Tzuyu and Wenjun's existence was just a tool to satisfy this family's wealth. Tzuyu really hates the concept of selfish thinking from her parents. Without thinking, Tzuyu immediately paid respects to her father, then prepared to fly to Korea that same day.

When she moved to Korea, Tzuyu wasn't yet fluent in speaking the language or familiar with the culture there, but then she met some good people to help her. Her first friend was not Jeongyeon, Dahyun or Chaeyoung but her senior friend, Jackson Wang.

Jackson is very kind and treats Tzuyu like his own little brother and Tzuyu is very happy to meet Jackson. But unfortunately they were only together for one year because Jackson had graduated and then returned to his homeland.

Tzuyu already can speaks Korean fluently so she can make friends with many people on campus until fate brings JeongDaChaeng, the Trio party gang. These three people are famous because they will make every party event lively. They really love party.

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