14: Sunset and regret.

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Tzuyu was busy unpacking and installing one of her gardening tools. Her hands were dirty with oil and also her apron with several utensils scattered on the living room table. Tzuyu fixed the rusty cutting machine with one hand, she repaired it with her two legs and her mouth as support. Meanwhile, Sana was standing in front of the door quietly, leaning against the wall, watching Tzuyu's new activities.

Recently, Tzuyu has often been busy preparing for the tribute festival for tomorrow. As long as Sana lives here, she and Tzuyu just talk like an old friends, they don't talk regularly, it's just that Tzuyu keeps her distance from Sana too much. Over the past few days, Sana noticed some small changes in Tzuyu.

Tzuyu is a person who is difficult to open up to, she will speak if that thing is important. Actually, Sana really understands Tzuyu's position being like this, especially when she knows the story of Tzuyu and Miyeon in the past.

Without realizing it, Sana got drowned into her mind, Tzuyu realized it, she called her name with a small smile.

"Sana, what are you doing? You're just standing there quietly as if you're thinking about something until it distract yourself." Tzuyu said.

Sana snapped out of her thoughts, "I'm sorry, I was thinking about something that was bothering me."

Sana walked to sit on the sofa in front of Tzuyu, Tzuyu glanced at her then she returned to focusing on repairing her little garden machine.

"Is it about Anthony and your son? How is he? I heard you have a son, I'm curious about him, how old is he now? 13 years old?." Tzuyu asked.

Sana remained silent when Tzuyu asked about thing she was reluctant to talk about. Tzuyu doesn't know that Sana actually only has one daughter. Sana bit her lower lip. Sana should have had two children by now but her son died in her womb, she had a miscarriage due to severe stress and also at that time she wasn't ready to get pregnant. Untul, he died at the seventh age of her pregnancy.

Tzuyu felt Sana got silent, Tzuyu raised her head to look at Sana, who showed an expression that was difficult for her to read.

"What's wrong? You look pale. Are you sick? I have a lot of medicine for you." Tzuyu said in a worried tone.

Sana didn't answer for a while until finally she slowly opened her mouth, "My son. He died at the seventh age of pregnancy, Tzuyu-ah. I only have a daughter now."

Hearing that, Tzuyu was immediately shocked, her eyes opened wide and she slapped herself internally, she felt guilty for discussing sensitive matters with Sana and of course she understood what it was like to be in her position.

"Ah- I'm sorry...I'm really sorry because I didn't know about it...."

"It's okay, at least now you know."

Seeing Sana just smiling made Tzuyu even more uncomfortable, she made a fake cough. She thought for a moment how to restore the atmosphere properly then an idea came to her mind when her eyes looked at the front of her house which was on a hill with a view of the ocean at the end and it was late afternoon which was perfect for a walk on the beach.

Tzuyu then stood up from her seat while wiping her hands on her dirty apron with oil, "How about we go to the beach? I think it will help to calm your mind." Tzuyu offered.

Sana looked at her then smiled, "of course."

The sea breeze blew through Sana's hair and the dress she was wearing also swayed due to the effect of the wind. The distinctive smell of the sea relaxed Sana from her thoughts. Sana just stood facing the sea, the color of the clear sky slowly turning into eventide. The yellow sun shines on its colorful surface.

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