The Hall Pass

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"I'm sorry honey." The tan skinned man apologized to his husband for the fiftieth time that night but this time, there was no calming down his fierce kitten.

"Who are you calling honey?" the pale beauty of a man glared at him and Kongpob Suthiluck was well aware he was in more than just hot water tonight. More like boiling water.

"Arthit, I'm just trying to calm the situation down."

"I can't believe this shit Kongpob!" Arthit angrily undressed, throwing his clothes in the dirty hamper. "I just wanted us to have a good time tonight! We've been working our asses off and I just wanted to enjoy a night with you being drunk and stupid. I turn my back for two seconds and you're dancing with some woman?! What are our rules for the club Kongpob?!"

"We're not supposed to dance with other people. But—it was innocent! I swear! I just kept dancing! I didn't touch her or anything!"

"Oh. You didn't touch her? Okay that solves everything," Arthit said. "Wait, I remember. when I turned around and saw her, she was only GRINDING HER ASS AGAINST YOUR DICK! And did you push her away?"

"She took me by surprise!"

Arthit put his hands on his hips and just stared at his husband. "I saw it Kongpob," Arthit spoke softly.

"Saw what?" Kong asked, scratching his head.

"When I pulled her off you, I saw your pants Kongpob. You were hard."

Kongpob stood there frozen, feeling sweat gather at his temples. "Babe, babe it wasn't—I wasn't—"

"Stop it," Arthit sighed. "There's not fucking excuse for it. A woman tossed her ass back at you and you got hard. Admit it. She was hot anyway. Don't blame you." Arthit rolled his eyes and headed towards the bathroom connected to their master bedroom and Kongpob jumped in motion. He rushed over and grabbed Arthit's wrist, yanking his man towards him. He wrapped his arms around Arthit's waist and held him tight.

"I'm sorry baby. Really. I'm sorry."

"Let me go Kongpob," Arthit sighed, wiggling in his arms.

"No, I won't," Kongpob pressed kisses against Arthit's neck but the moment his husband didn't melt into his arms, Kongpob knew he was in deep shit. He sighed hard and let Arthit go.

"What do you want me to do, huh? I don't have any other explanation for you and I apologized."

"Do you think about having sex with women Kongpob?" Arthit asked him.

Kongpob glared at his husband. "I get that you're upset Arthit but don't ask me stupid questions. You're gonna make me angry."

"It's a yes or no question."

"No, I don't think about having sex with other women. I consider that cheating."

"Yet a woman still managed to grind against you and her ass made you hard. So, should I feel cheated on?" Arthit asked.

"Oh gosh," Kongpob rolled his eyes. "I'm sorry Arthit. And I'll make it up to you anyway you need me to. Let's just not have this argument anymore. Before we went out tonight you promised we would get drunk off our asses then come home and have wild sex. Look how long it's been!"

Arthit pushed Kongpob back. "Well, I'm sorry I work so hard and I don't have time and I'm tired! The last time we made love I spent the entire day in the office with my hips and my back hurting so fucking bad I couldn't concentrate. Anal sex is hard Kongpob! I don't know if you don't realize it but—"

"You think I don't know how hard anal sex is? I respect and love you so much for bearing the pain even after the pleasure is long gone but it's still not easy for me to do it with you especially because I have some damn compassion and I don't want to hurt you. And if I don't move in a certain way it doesn't feel good for you! So it's not easy on me either. And how many times have I told you we should switch babe? How many times?!"

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