The Hall Pass 2

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Kongpob laid there as still as he could, pretending to be asleep. He stayed completely still for ten minutes straight before he heard the soft sniffles and felt the tremors coming from Arthit's body under the covers. Though there was no sound, Kongpob knew well how his husband cried. As mad as he was at the whole situation, he had a weak spot for his husband's tears. Turning around, he gathered Arthit in his arms pressing Arthit to his chest. Arthit wrapped his arms around Kongpob's neck and cried freely into Kongpob's chest.

"You told me to do it Arthit. Why would you tell me to do it if it would hurt you?" Kongpob sighed

"Who—who was it?" Arthit cried.

"It doesn't matter," Kongpob said. That only made Arthit weep harder. Kongpob ran his hands through Arthit's soft brown hair

"Te—Tell me right now," he hiccupped.

"My assistant," Kongpob revealed.

Again, Arthit cried harder. He pulled his arms away from Kongpob's neck and began hitting his chest.

"Why—why?! Of all people?! You know I hate her! You know she's been trying to get you to cheat on me! Why would you sleep with her?! Even if I gave you a pass why her?!"

"Because she was there Arthit, and I had access to her! I'm not the type to pick up women at the bar so she was my next bet! I'm sorry baby but you said I could, okay? And I really needed the release."

"I—I didn't think—I—" Arthit's breathing became erratic. He pushed Kongpob away from him and scrambled out of the bed. Kongpob sat up quickly and turned on the lights.

"How much did you give her?" Arthit all but growled.

"What do you mean?" Kongpob questioned.

"Look at all those scratches on your back Kongpob! I told you not to give 100% fucks! How much did you give her?!" Arthit screamed.

Kongpob sighed and leaned back against the headboard. "Arthit, you know how I fuck when I'm pent up, okay? How much you think I gave her?"

"Oh god," Arthit gasped, running his hands through his hair. "How—how could you do this? She's going to ruin our marriage! You gave her 100% of nine inches of an amazing cock, she's never going to leave you alone!"

"If anyone is ruining our marriage, it's you! Why would you tell me to go fuck someone else?! Now you're crying and throwing a fit because I did?!"

"I DIDN'T THINK YOU WOULD!" Arthit screamed. "I thought that even if I gave you the stupid hall pass you'd prove to me that you don't care about your sexual appetite, that you cared about how I felt!"

"Well I'm sorry I can't read your mind Arthit," Kongpob said evenly.

Arthit nodded and wiped his wet face. His skin was red and blotchy from crying.

"Come back to bed Arthit," Kongpob sighed. "I already fucked her. There's nothing I can do to change it. Now I can clearly see you didn't mean it about the hall pass so I won't do it again. But what's done is done. Next time don't say shit you don't really mean."

Arthit paced the room for five minutes before he got back into bed, staying clear of Kongpob's reach.

"Can we end this now? No more hall pass?"

"No. Keep on fucking her if you like."

"Well, she was pretty good fuck. Although she doesn't squeeze nearly as tight as you. Took me forever to cum but it was way easier than anal sex since she was so fucking wet. I could get used to it."

Arthit jumped up, more tears in his eyes as he looked at the man he married. "How can you say that to me?" he cried, hitting Kongpob on the chest.

"Because you can sit here crying and still tell me to fuck her again when you know that's not what you want! What's so good about being prideful Arthit? I'm your husband! Be honest with me!" He grabbed Arthit's wrists and held them. "Do you want me to fuck her again?!" Kongpob shouted.

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