The First Time

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Things were hot and heavy in the college dorm room as two lovers rolled around in their queen-sized bed kissing each other hungrily. Normally, they weren't so reckless but they hadn't seen each other for an entire week because of exams. The moment Kongpob saw Arthit standing against his door, waiting for him; his blood boiled with lust and anticipation. He wanted to taste his lover's lips, feel the weight of him in his arms and smell the scent of his cologne up close. He was never the type to lose control but the moment Arthit kissed him lightly on the lips, Kongpob couldn't stop himself. And now, they were rolling around in the rumpled sheets, recklessly. The kisses that Arthit peppered all over his neck and then when their lips connected, Arthit kissed him so expertly and sexily, Kongpob was moaning like he'd never moaned before.

Arthit nibbled on Kongpob's bottom lip and fit himself between Kong's legs, grinding their hardened lengths together through their shorts. Kongpob moaned loudly and shivered at the feeling. Arthit's hands went to the band of Kongpob's shorts so he could pull them down, but Kongpob immediately pulled away from the kiss. He pressed at Arthit's chest.

"Wait P," he breathed.

"Are you okay?" Arthit asked.

"I—I don't have any condoms," Kongpob said.

Arthit gave him a sexy smirk. "Yes you do. You probably just never checked the drawer where I purposely left them. I made sure to stock both our places with condoms. I told you I would take care of that kind of stuff baby."

"I—I know you said you'd take care of it," he mumbled. "Um..." Kongpob thought it was a valid excuse but now that Arthit had an answer, Kongpob knew he had to tell the truth.

"P'Arthit, I'm...I'm not ready," Kongpob mumbled. "I just tried to use the condoms as an excuse."

Arthit's face expression went blank. "Oh," he replied. "I understand." He pulled away completely and got off of Kongpob. He sat on the edge of the bed and sat quietly. Kongpob hated when it got awkward like this. They had been dating for two years and in all that time, the most they've done is touch over the clothes. But even when Arthit began flirting with him two years ago, Kongpob made it very clear that he wasn't interesting in being pressured into sex especially because Arthit was the biggest Casanova on campus. Everyone knew that he dated frequently and the rumors of his sexual conquests were always the talk around campus. But Arthit had convinced Kongpob that things were different this time. That he was ready to be committed to one person and he apparently started feeling that way when Kongpob just happened to cuss him out for being insensitive to a girl's feelings. For Arthit, no one had ever stood up to him like that and it really made him think. He never intended to hurt girls but he always told them what he was about and they always ignored it. So, when he was ready to stop fucking them, they threw tantrums and Arthit hated it. However, when he realized that Kongpob was there to witness it, he immediately felt like shit. But once they got together, Kongpob never felt pressured into having sex but then there were moments like this. Moments where Kong knew that Arthit wanted to take the next step and he was just too afraid to pull the trigger.

"Oh man," Arthit sighed, trying to get his erection to calm down. He was both attracted to men and women but Kongpob was the only man he'd fallen in love with and maybe it was the love but every time he even gave Kongpob a simple kiss, his body began to ache with passion.

"I thought maybe you were ready this time baby with the way you pounced on me," he said.

"I'm sorry," Kongpob mumbled.

Arthit looked at him with a confused look. "Sorry for what?" he asked, his brows furrowed.

"Leading you on," Kongpob replied.

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