The Backup Singer 2

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Arthit sat in the car with Dean, thumping his fingers against his knees. He had yet another sleepless night, partly because he had to keep fighting Dean off him. Arthit understood that Dean had far more experience than he did, and he really did want to keep his boyfriend satisfied but there were some limits he just wasn't ready to cross. Sensing that Dean was amped up, Arthit did his best to try and placate Dean. They haven't had sex yet but they did do some stuff. But apparently that wasn't enough for Dean anymore.

"I don't like to keep having this conversation Arthit, but don't you think—don't you worry that I'll get bored?" Dean asked him.

Arthit sighed and looked at him "Do you love me?" Arthit asked.

"You know I do," Dean replied.

"Then how could you get bored? Am I just a sexual conquest or your lover?"

"You know the answer to that," Dean snapped.

Arthit winced and move closer to the car door.

"Don't you dare act like that! People will think I hit you!" Dean said. "All I'm saying is that hand jobs aren't doing it for me anymore. You don't even want to suck it or let me suck yours. I told you before we got together that I am very affectionate and I like being intimate with my partners. Why did you accept being my lover if you knew you would have trouble fulfilling the role?"

"Because I thought you would understand my point of view. Dean, could we please not do this?" Arthit asked. "Every day we argue about this and I didn't sleep last night and I have to focus on band practice. It's the middle of the day, I don't want to talk about sucking your damn cock."

"Alright fine. Did the new guy move in yet?"

"Yeah, Bright told me he finished moving in yesterday." It had been a week since the audition and Arthit has still not been able to stop thinking about their new band member. The tan skinned boy with dark hair and his black studs in his pierced ears captivated Arthit by his looks alone. And then when he opened his mouth to sing, that sweet, soft voice of his had Arthit ready to fall to his knees. It was easy to harmonize with him and he felt an odd sense of peace to sing with him. The main thing Arthit couldn't stop thinking about is the way he got in between him and Dean. Standing behind Kongpob, Arthit felt a sense of protection and security he never felt before. His friends often sometimes tried to help but it never felt the same. Maybe it was because Arthit knew there wasn't much his friends could do to help him. But with Kongpob, it felt different.

"I want you to move in with me, Arthit," Dean said.

"I already told you I wasn't moving in with you, it's way too soon."

"But—but now there's going to be another man living in the house with you and I'm uncomfortable with it!" Dean punched the steering wheel.

"So, you don't trust me then," Arthit replied.

"That's because you're so fucking gullible Arthit. Someone says something nice to you and you fall at their feet. It's clear you've been starved for attention your whole fucking life that now you crave it everywhere you go. I tell you not to wear certain outfits because it shows off your body; you ignore me. I tell you not to talk to fans because it looks like flirting; you ignore me and do it anyway. When I told you not to talk privately with men, you ignore me and do it anyways. And what happened? You're so craved for some damn attention you let yourself almost get raped. What happened if I hadn't come back to the studio? Your little ass would be bent over and ripped open."

Hot tears sprinkled down Arthit's cheek.

"Don't cry now. You know what I'm saying is true. What happened was your fault. And trust me, if you give that new member the time of day, he's going to bend your little ass over and fuck you. And if let yourself get raped this time, I'm not going to help you and you're going to learn to feel some damn shame. Now, you don't want to move in with me? Fine."

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