The Back up Singer 4

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Arthit's eyes were downcast as Kongpob patched up his bloody nose and cleaned up the blood from his face. None of them spoke since Arthit went into Kongpob's bedroom. After some time, Arthit sighed heavily.

"You must think I'm pathetic," Arthit whispered.

"No. I just think you have the wrong sense of loyalty," Kongpob replied honestly.

"Was it so bad to believe him when he said he loved me?" Arthit mumbled.

"Sometimes words are just words. If he does nothing to back it up you can't really believe him."

"Guess I just-" Arthit teared up and covered his face as he cried. "I guess I just wanted to believe someone could love me," he cried.

Kongpob immediately took Arthit in his arms and hugged him tightly. He rocked Arthit slowly until his cries slowly died down.

"I wish I had met you first," Kongpob whispered to him.

"You know...when I introduced him to my parents they warned me. They told me that people like us don't really fall in love. We just want someone exclusive to fuck around with because sex is all we think we about. My own parents...saying something like that to me. I-I wanted so bad to prove that I wasn't with him for sex."

Kongpob pulled away from Arthit so he could look into his eyes. "A relationship is what you make out of it. The moment you feel like you're using that relationship to prove something to someone else, then you're not in the relationship for the right reasons."

"I wish I met you first too," Arthit whispered.

Kong gave him a small smile, then continued cleaning him up. When food arrived, he and Arthit stayed in his bedroom to eat and then Kongpob forced Arthit to lay down. He thought it would take some time but Arthit buried his face in Kong's pillow and fell right to sleep.

The guys came in to look on Arthit, once again surprised that he was sleeping in someone else's bed.

"You make me jealous sometimes," Bright pouted. "Oon never wants to sleep in my bed with me."

"That's because your sheets smell and you're too clingy," Tootah teased him.

"No I'm not!" Bright shouted.

Arthit groaned and snuggled into the covers.

"Quiet!" Kong whisper shouted. "If you wake him up I'll punch you in the face," Kong threatened. "He's been up earlier than any of us have this morning so he needs the sleep."

"Yikes, he's scary," Bright mumbled, hugging Tootah.

Knott chuckled. "But he's right. Arthit does need rest. Besides, we have practice later. Let's let him sleep." Knott pulled out his phone and sent a memo to Kongpob.

"What's this?" Kongpob asked, opening the document.

"It's Arthit's vocal care regimen. He always used to stress that Dean was never attentive to it and he appreciates when the people who care for him shows concern for his vocals. He loves to sing so it means a lot to him. You said he was yours to take care of so I'm just helping you out," Knott explained.

"Thanks," Kong replied.

"He can't have anymore milk until after practice so good luck waking him up today," Knott chuckled. "He should wake two hours before practice starts. That gives him time to shower and steam his voice and have his teas."

Kongpob nodded, reading through the list of Arthit's favorite products and his regimen. The guys left the room then, and Kongpob sat on the floor, leaning against his bed and occasionally looking over at Arthit to make sure he was sleeping peacefully.

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