We're just Friends

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@q_lina This one is for you. I hope it matches your vision. Thank you for submitting a request for a one shot from me. 

Kongpob rushed through late night traffic, hurrying to the dedicated dinner spot he always met the love of his life on Friday nights. Once both their jobs started to get hectic, the lovers made a pact to always spend the weekend together away from their hectic schedules. It was a way for them not to think about work and just focus on each other as lovers. It's what made their relationship as strong as it was. Especially coming from people who've been together since college. Without these weekends, Kongpob doubted their relationship would last.

Finally pulling into the parking lot of the luxurious hotel, Kongpob let valet park his car and he grabbed his overnight bag from the seat next to him. He headed straight into the restaurant portion of the place and found his heart sitting at the bar waiting for him. Kongpob started in that direction only to halt when he saw some man leaning on the bar facing his lover and clearly chatting him up. No matter how much time passed, Kongpob would never not be possessive of his lover.

Marching up to them, Kongpob wrapped his arms around his lover's waist. Brown eyes turned up to look at him and he was greeted with the dimpled smile that made his heart flutter.

"Hey, sorry I'm late," Kongpob smiled at him.

"It's fine. I had some company."

"Who's your friend Arthit?" Kongpob asked him. They both looked at the guy who was standing there watching them.

"Oh, this is Brent. He's from New Zealand. He was telling me that he's impressed with my English. All the Thai men he's talked to before struggled with English," Arthit replied.

Kongpob looked at the guy and wanted to scoff and roll his eyes but he smiled and spoke in English.

"Ah, it must be nice to meet someone who speaks good enough English," Kongpob smiled.

Brent's eyes widened. "Oh, your English is good too. So amazing." He looked at Arthit. "So, Arthit, can I buy you a drink? Maybe we can get to know more about each other? I have a room here," he smiled.

Kongpob spoke in Thai to Arthit. "Look at this dude, he's practically foaming at the mouth like he's got some weird kink about fucking cute Asian boys," Kongpob said.

Brent looked at Kongpob but it was clear he didn't understand what was said because he smiled then looked back at Arthit.

"Care to spend the evening with me?" he asked.

Arthit smiled. "Be honest with me Brent. You're a foreigner so I need to know your intentions. Are we spending the night sexually or are you hoping to start something long term? I mean, do you plan on going back home or staying in Thailand?" Arthit asked.

"Well I do plan on living here long term. You are my type so I can't imagine living outside of Asia."

"Your type?" Arthit asked. "Asian boys?"

"Yes exactly," he winked. "So beautiful." He went to brush at Arthit's bangs and Kongpob knocked his hand away.

In English he spoke to Brent. "Don't touch him please."

"Oh, is there something going on?" he asked.

"You have some competition Brent. Because I think the Asian boy next to me has already planned on fucking my brains out,"

"Really?" Bent looked at Kongpob. "Are you two together?" he asked.

Arthit rolled his eyes. He'd literally just said Kongpob planned to fuck him and this guy was asking if they were together. Even if they weren't actually a couple, one would assume they had some type of situationship or something. What kind of dumb question was that? So, Arthit gave an equally dumb answer.

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