The Backup Singer 3

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Arthit cried into Kongpob's chest only for a little while and then his breathing evened out and he fell asleep. Kongpob continued to hold him, unwilling to let him go. Especially since Arthit didn't seem the type to cry in anyone's arms or let them see that side of him. Kongpob was ready to protect this angel. He looked down at Arthit's red face and chubby cheeks. He smiled to himself, happy that Arthit trusted him this much. It just felt right. Still, he didn't want to cross the boundaries in case Arthit had regrets later, so after spending some time to let Arthit sleep on his chest, Kongpob maneuvered out of his hold.

Arthit only stirred slightly, but he didn't wake. Kongpob went to Arthit's connected bathroom to get a wash rag; warming it with hot water. Going back to Arthit, Kongpob carefully cleaned Arthit's face and then tucked him under the covers. Unable to help himself, he kissed Arthit's soft cheek and then he reluctantly left the room.

Bright, Tootah and Knott were waiting out in the hall for him. They all looked concerned as they peaked inside the room to see how Arthit was.

"He cried then he fell asleep in my arms," Kong mumbled.

All three of them looked at Kongpob with wide eyes.

"What?" Kong asked.

"We're his best friends and he doesn't ever let us hold him nor does he cry to us," Knott said.

"I don't know what to say," Kong sighed.

"What did he tell you?" Bright asked.

"I don't want to betray his trust by telling you what he said. But I think we should pay attention to his boyfriend more. Obviously, Arthit is unhappy."

"Yeah, but every time we try to talk to Arthit about this, Arthit tells us that he's not breaking up with him. His parents told him that being gay would never work in the real world then Dean and his parents started dishing out all this money to support Arthit's parents. That shut his parents up and of course Arthit feels like since Dean's parents have been spending all that money then Arthit owes them to stay with their son. It's so stupid," Bright said.

"He might listen to you," Tootah said to Kongpob.

"I don't think I'm the right person to convince him."

"Why not?" Knott asked.

"Because my convincing of him would be purely selfish and Arthit needs to leave Dean on his own volition. I don't want to play mind games with him. Anyways, we should let him sleep for a while but he didn't get to have his lunch so I'll wake him up in a few hours so he can eat."

"Make sure you have pink milk in your hand when you do," Knott snickered.

"Or he's going to claw your eyes out for messing up his precious sleep," Bright laughed.

"Thanks for the tip," Kong smiled.

Three hours later, Kong reheated three slices of pizza for Arthit after he went out to a drink stall to get a big cup of pink milk.

"We wish you well," Bright said as Kongpob went upstairs.

"He can't be that bad," Kongpob chuckled.

He went to Arthit's door and knocked first just to make sure Arthit wasn't awake yet. When he got no response, Kongpob went inside and saw that Arthit was still tucked in. He set the plate of pizza on the night table stand then easily caressed Arthit's face.

"Arthit? Arthit wake up," he coaxed gently.

Arthit groaned but didn't wake. Kongpob used a little bit more force, tapping Arthit on the thigh.

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