The Backup Singer 5

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Kongpob smiled down at the message he received earlier from Arthit. In his past relationships, Kongpob was the one that had to make efforts and do certain things but Kongpob was coming to realize that Arthit wasn't one to be idle. He always prepared food for Kongpob, sat with him while he worked out, and encouraged him, and he was always helping Kongpob to take care of his voice. And now there was this.

Arthit️: Kong honey, I want to take you on a date tonight. Wear something nice but not too dressy. I'll pick you up at your bedroom door at 7pm. 😘

Kongpob's stomach was fluttering at the fact that they were going on a date but he was even more happier that Arthit initiated it. So Kongpob dressed in black cargo style jeans with cargo pockets on the thighs. He matched it was a black chain hanging from his belt loop stylistically and a black knitted cardigan that had short sleeves and square pockets along the chest. He left some of the buttons undone to show off a splash of his tanned chest, a chest he knew that Arthit loved looking at when he watched Kongpob workout. Instead of styling his hair, he only applied smoothing products once he showered and dried his hair, then left his bangs over his forehead with a slight part. And lastly, he finished with his small black hoop earrings, some rings, and black boots. Arthit always teased him about the love of wearing black and Kongpob was making a statement to Arthit because even though he teased Kongpob, he always couldn't keep his hands off Kongpob when Kongpob wore black.

 Arthit always teased him about the love of wearing black and Kongpob was making a statement to Arthit because even though he teased Kongpob, he always couldn't keep his hands off Kongpob when Kongpob wore black

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After spraying Creed cologne, he heard a knock at his bedroom door. Grabbing his wallet and keys, Kongpob went to the door and opened it. He was greeted by a single blue rose under his nose. He smiled and took the flower and looked at his beautifully dressed boyfriend.

"Thanks P'Arthit," he smiled.

Arthit's eyes scanned Kongpob in a heated way that made Kongpob blush.

"We're matching P," Kongpob said.

"Because I knew you'd wear all black," Arthit smiled. He placed his hands on Kongpob's hips and pulled Kongpob into him. Their groins bumped each other and Kongpob swallowed hard but there was no hiding his growing excitement at Arthit's hands on him.

"You look so fucking good babe," Arthit whispered. He kissed Kongpob on the lips gently. "And oh my god..." Arthit pressed his nose against Kongpob's neck. "You smell so good." He removed his nose and looked at Kongpob. "Hey listen, tonight you stick close to me, okay? Because if anyone comes sniffing around you—I'm going to lose my shit."

Kongpob tossed his head back and laughed. "You're so jealous all the time, it's so fucking cute. You know I can't pay attention to anyone else. Not when I have a man like you." Arthit looked at him with that heated expression again. His cheeks were tinted pink and Kongpob could see Arthit struggling with his lust. Lately, their make out sessions have been more than just heated. Kongpob wanted to move to the next step but he wasn't interested in being the typical top that forced his bottom to fuck when he knew his bottom wasn't ready yet.

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