Chapter 11

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 "The meal was marvellous, don't you think?" Mary gushed. The women nodded in ecstasy.

"Indeed. Do you know when the wine tasting will begin?" Asked Elizabeth, as she glanced around for the hostess Jennifer Strong, a tall, slim, beautiful woman, with lovely features, big blue eyes and blonde hair. The hostess was still dining with her guest.

"Something wrong Elizabeth? Do you have somewhere else to be?" Mary wondered.

"Oh, no. It's just that... I'm just eager to taste Jennifer's fine French imported wine." Though sceptical, Elizabeth's friends interrogated her no further. The real reason behind her impatience was because she felt edgy, and needed the wine to further loosen her spirits. What happened that morning at the house kept replaying in her mind like an annoying commercial, and she did not want to think anymore about the subject.

"What's taking her so long?"

"Calm down Elizabeth. Look, she's walking to the platform." Mary soothed, chuckling humorously at her friend's behaviour. Elizabeth felt slightly embarrassed and contained herself.

"May I have your attention please." The hostess said into the microphone, the engaging baritone of her voice commandeered their attention, and ended the lively chatter in the room. All eyes focused on the woman on the platform, wearing an ocean blue pants suit that contrasted well with her eyes.

"I want to thank all you wonderful women for attending today. It's been my utmost pleasure to have you here. I certainly hope you enjoyed the luncheon that the chefs skillfully prepared, because I think it was fabulous, don't you?" Nods and quiet whispering of approval went around the room.

"And now the moment you've been waiting for... the wine tasting." Applause erupted as traditional Chinese tang-gu drums beat a rhythmic tune. Waiters dressed in tuxedos, to the women's delight, delivered trays with wine bottles and glasses to every table. "Enjoy yourselves ladies and may the best wine win!"

More applause as Jennifer sauntered off the platform and resumed her seat. Wines were poured into every glass the moment it hit the table. The delicious fragrance wafted in the atmosphere, threatening to intoxicate anyone who breathed in too deeply.

"Mmm, this one's my favourite." Joyce exclaimed, smacking her lips and rolling her eyes.

"Joyce, there are four bottles on the table and all you've tasted is one. How in heaven's name can you know that's your favourite?" Demanded Elizabeth to the delight of everyone, who glanced at them mischievously.

"Well Elizabeth, I don't need the name of heaven to tell me that this is my favourite, I'm sure that I can decipher that for myself." The other women chuckled. They were already feeling the effects of the wine working through their system as they drank much more than required.

Their behaviour soon turned scandalous, with every gulp taken. With one bottle finished, they moved to the next. Elizabeth leaned forward on her elbows. The other five women did the same.

"Look at Jennifer flirting with those young waiters. I tell you, no matter where she goes she must be the centre of attention with men." The ladies nodded with agreement. "I mean, look at the way she's dressed? Isn't that a little bit too much for a small setting? Imagine what she'll wear to the beach, perhaps an evening gown?" They all snickered like teenagers.

"It's a shame that she can't keep a man, though. How many times has she been married? Six or seven times? I'm sorry but I've lost count."

"Eight." Mary supplied. They shook their heads gravely.

"It's a pity no man wants her for long." Elizabeth continued. "Anyway, who wants a woman who acts and looks like a whore." They laughed loudly at the remark, forgetting to cover their painted lips with their hands in a ladylike manner. Their flushed faces were an indicator of their drunkenness.

"Enjoying yourselves ladies?" Someone queried from behind Elizabeth. They froze, like children caught stealing cookies. It was Jennifer, the very person who was the subject of their private discussion. They straightened in their chairs, composures nailed into place. No one was stupid or brave enough to ask their hostess if or how much she had overheard from their 'light talk'. Elizabeth spoke,

"Immensely Mrs Strong. Compliments to you on your fine wine collection. We certainly approve of your great taste."

"I know." Jennifer beamed at the compliment and pretended to blush. "Well, carry on ladies and enjoy your evening." She walked away, six pairs of callous stares following her departure. In union, they retrieved their wine glasses and swallowed the remnants of their drink.

Elizabeth winked at her friends in secrecy, taking the third bottle offered. Narrowing their eyes cautiously, they observed as their friend shook the bottle. Suddenly, their eyes opened wide in comprehension, smirks carved on their faces. Elizabeth motioned for Mrs. Sommers and Mrs. Bells, who normally sat together to move their chairs apart. They did, and Elizabeth let the stopper pop.

Instantly, the table behind Mrs. Sommers and Mrs. Bells devolved into total chaos as the women jumped from their seats screaming. Clothes were drenched, but worst of all the salt and pepper coloured wig of the nearest lady became dislodged. Crimson wine made small rivulets on her forehead, its colour like that of blood gave the impression that she had suffered a head injury.

The soaked ladies turned to the other table for a vast explanation, but the victims were greeted with shocked stares, and innocent expressions. Elizabeth tried to justify what transpired.

"It happened by accident ladies, and so quickly. I assure you it was not intentional. I do hope you get the stains out of those dresses, and it is not absolutely ruined. Actually, please send me the bill, and I'll make sure to return them like brand new." One of the ladies with bright hazel eyes, dark skin, and a freshly stained dress, her ruby lips parted in amazement.

"No apology?!"

"For what, I said it was an accident." Elizabeth stated adamantly. The women in her group nodded adherently.

"You... unmannerly..." The woman with salt and pepper hair stammered, but before she could finish the hostess interjected.

"Let's not lose our temper ladies. Come, you can get yourselves cleaned in the back room." Jennifer ushered the four ladies away, looking back at Elizabeth with a disapproving stare, like a parent scolding an unruly child.

Elizabeth's face remained blank, and no longer interested with the departing ladies, she turned to her friends. She had achieved exactly what she wanted, disrupting the hostess party so no one could claim it was a success. Elizabeth took a sip of wine, happy to join in with the gossip concerning the last five minutes of disaster.


After brunch Elizabeth and her friends had visited other high class bars to continue their drinking spree. It was the most relaxed she had felt in forever. Though the evening sun disappeared from the horizon, Elizabeth still casually slipped on her sunglasses to hide her drunken state from the chauffeur. She waved good-bye to the ladies, and casually slid onto the car seat. He suspected nothing from her sober performance.

Luckily, she had dashed on some perfume in the powder room, and sprayed her breath with peppermint before going home. As the limousine cruised away, Elizabeth painstakingly tried her best to not slump against the seat or lie down. It was also another distress to keep her eyes open. To distract herself, she scanned the traffic not really noticing the other cars nor the stores which lined the streets.

Suddenly, one particular store caught her attention, and an idea popped into her mind.

"Stop!" She ordered the driver. Immediately, he pulled to the side of the road. Elizabeth got out and, dodging the other vehicles, ran across the street and entered a gift shop. Less than five minutes later, she exited and returned to the waiting car with a plastic bag in her hand. The driver held the door open for her.

"Take me home." She said strictly.

"Of course, my lady." He replied respectfully as he closed the door. The car returned to the road, and the drowsiness left Elizabeth instantly as her alertness resumed its place. The passing vehicles and stores were a blur to her again, while she thought about her purchase and how effective it might and would be.

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