I Hate It Here (Preview)

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- [ ] Shanti Knowles - 24 : lives with older sister, works (retail) , goes to school , aspiring events planner

- [ ] Simone Knowles -26 : older sister to shanti, works (stripper/retail) , sugar baby

- [ ] Wynter Coleman - 22 : best friend to shanti, beautician

- [ ] Jalen King -26 : love interest for Shanti, into drugs, investor

- [ ] Ty Smith - 24 : love interest for Wynter, investor, family business

- [ ] Gemma Armstrong - 26, single mum, Simone's best friend

- [ ] Monique - 24, Wynters school friend, aspiring sugar baby

- [ ] Tommy - 25, gay bestie, works with Wynter

-[ ] Plus Others

I Hate It Here:Crossing Paths - Intro


My name is Shanti, Shanti Knowles and here's a little backstory of me. I'm currently 24 years younger in that awkward stage of life where I don't really know what I wanna do and where I wanna be so I'm just trying new things. I'm currently in my 3rd going on 4th year of university and honestly it's been hard but I want that degree I want to finally say I've started something and actually finished it...successfully. While at school I'm in hell...I mean retail, just to get a little cash on the side ya know what I mean, a girl got needs and shit to pay for. Ha. Well that's me really, studying events management, I wanna be who you call when you need something set the fuck up, a night to remember...that will be the name of my business...one day.

But enough of me, lemme tell you about the people who make me, me.

My big sister Simone, who I also live with, our parents hate it but I'm an adult and I love my big sister. She chose a different route to life, she's a full time stripper which I personally don't see a problem with it its the being a sex addict that everyone has a problem with...almost like a revolving door. She has standards...ish. She believes a man should be able to pay his way, and she's the type what she wants she gets and honestly she has me living comfy so until she crosses lines with me...we good and she's fun I promise.

Then there's my crazy best friend Wynter Coleman or WynWyn to me. She's my baby doll, yes she's only 2 years younger but I'm so protective over...yet she's even more crazy over me. It's been a crazy 14 years and I wouldn't change her for anyone. She's a self working babe, a beautician best around if you ask me. I was never really into makeup as heavy but she made it look like art so when we was outside sometimes I would let her do a full glam. Like my sister she's a party girl, loves the get down & honestly isn't shy of guys herself. I wish I was more out going but ...just not me.

Gemma, Monique & Tommy & 3 names u won't miss either. Gem is Sim's bestie, our crazy baby mama of the group. Monique, she met Wyn in school and we clicked ever since but she's defo a wild card like my sister so sometimes you gotta watch out for her. Then what's a girls life with the crazy gay husband ? That's what Tommy is for.

But listen, there's so many more but I don't want to ruin too much, so that's just a bit of me and what's going to be going on here. My life is never really boring, there's always something so welcome and good luck keeping up with the bullshit. Ha.

Chapter One: Crossing Paths (Preview)


"I really hate it here" I mumbled to myself as another customer walked in.

It was currently a Monday morning, and if you're a normal human, you hate Mondays.

"Morning beautiful"

I mentally rolled my eyes. Here we go again. Another Monday morning, another older man trying his luck.

"Good morning" I simply replied back taking his basket of groceries.

"How are you this morning? Always looking young and beautiful"

Trying too hard sir.

"Fine thank you, yours?" I replied even drier than before.

"Even better now I've seen you"

Like I haven't heard that one before.

I simply chuckled and continued to bag up his things.

"Don't work too hard now princess"

I cringed, smiling painfully as he paid for his things and left. God I hated men. As a young girl I was and stilll ain't really the most confident, so for a while I went through stupid things with guys because the attention made me feel good...but only at that time. The older I am now I been more closed to myself, when guys approach me I cringe, because it's mostly older guys or the less attractive guys. The guys that were good on the eye were just that just good on the eye, they wouldn't approach me as if I was a threat? Me ? lol okay Shanti.

"Hey girl" someone said putting stuff on the counter.

I blinked a couple times realising It was just my crazy bestie.

"Oh shit, hey"

"You look zoned the fuck out, cheer up couple more ours and it's clocking out time"

"Mmm" I pouted scanning her things.

"Look before I forget, party Friday night, we will talk more later I got work bye"

She left the change on the side and rushed out the store. She knew I hated outside, outside meant people, people meant guys, guys meant headache for me.

The rest of my shift was going by nicely and it was the last 30mins. When I can actually admit someone caught my eye. I watched as he walked in, chest high, locs perfectly re-done. In a simple tracksuit but some reason he looked as if he was glowing.

As if woman's intermission, I took my lip balm out and begun moisturising my lips, I looked in the register screen checking my face, teeth, hair, what was I doing?

"Afternoon Miss"

I cleared my throat a little embarrassed not knowing how long he had been standing there for.


He smiled at me, giving me dead on eye contact. I quickly broke it and scanned his drink.

"Could I get a magnum too please"


As the alcohol stayed behind the register I did as asked, not even asking for ID, nothing. I just continued to bag up his stuff.

"Thanks" he said about to leave but hesitated. "You have a nice day miss"

I was lost of words and just watched as he left the shop, I -I wasn't expecting that, him. I've seen him before l. I just I just couldn't put my finger on it, but what I can say is my oh my that was a beautiful man.

TBC !!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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