𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟰: 𝘞𝘦𝘦𝘬𝘴?

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As the days turned into weeks, i couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. I brushed it off as paranoia, but deep down, i knew something wasn't right. My heart raced every time i heard a noise outside my dorm.

One evening, as i returned to my dorm, i noticed a rose placed on my doorstep. Confusion and fear washed over me, but i couldn't resist the allure of the red rose. I cautiously picked it up, smelling the familiar scent that made my heart ache.

The next morning, i found another rose waiting for me. This time, it was carefully placed on my desk. My mind raced with thoughts of who could be leaving these mysterious gifts. Was it someone i knew?

Almost like i was listened intently, concern etched on my face. I urged to report the incidents to the professors, but i hesitated. The roses, though unsettling, hadn't harmed me in any way.

Days turned into weeks, and the roses continued to appear. My anxiety grew, and i couldn't shake off the feeling of being constantly watched. I became hyper-aware of my surroundings, constantly scanning the school for any signs of the person responsible.

The evening sun cast a golden glow over the ancient halls of Hogwarts, Saturday is soon coming to an end. All I've done today is catching up with homework and reading.

The whole situation about the roses I've received, the letters and the messages, makes me go cruel. Not in a good way, it makes me sick.

Determined to find answers, i wanted to speak to Val. Since i was about to tell her the other night, but she had already things going on with Draco. Gosh I'm still traumatized.

I knew that they were going to get together at some point, but me walking in when they are in their mission. Hell no.

I walked in the hall, late at night before I finally reached her dorm. I've sent her a message that i'd came over earlier, Just in case she was up to something, and I didn't want to "interrupt" her again.

I knocked on the door and just as I do, the door is opend. There She was. Seeing her smile makes my soul warm. I gave her a friendly hug before I stepped inside.

The scent of vanilla wafted into my mind as i walked inside her dorm. Her bedspread was adorned with the slytherin emblem, and a stack of books sat neatly on the bedside table. The room was well-organized just like always. And just like me, She loves to read. There was a bookshelf filled with books.

Val closed the door behind me. She walked over and took a seat on her chair, before she her eyes turned to me.

"I need to tell you something" I said as I took a seat on her bed.

"What?" She asked.

"I think I have a stalker" I let out.

She looked at me with an almost jokingly expression on her face. She raised an eyebrow by my words. I sighed.

"Look there's been weird as shit going on" I started. "I've reached serval of boquettes of my favorite flowers the recent weeks-"

"Weeks?" She interrupted me.

"Yes" I said.

"You haven't told me anything, but now after weeks?" She spitted out. I looked at her before I let out a small breathe.

"I wanted to tell you the first day it happend but.."

"But?" She asked sternly.

Thousands of thoughts flushed trough my mind by this point, I didn't know if I should tell her the truth or if I just should avoid it. But after all she's my best friend. 𝘑𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘩𝘦𝘳.

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