Chapter 17

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(Stella's POV)

Today is Thursday, the day Kelly has been dredging. I feed the little twins while Kelly gets the older girl's breakfast. I finish, burp, and change them, and I put them in the babies' swings so Kelly and I can take them to the girls. "Hey girls, can we take them while you eat?" I ask, and they both nod. 

"So today we're going to meet up with my dad and were going to have lunch with him ok, I and my dad don't always get along so if you want to leave or if you just need to go to the bathroom and take a break just tell me or mom ok," Kelly tells them "Daddy so technically your dad would be are Grandpa do we have to call him Grandpa because I don't want to?" Jalay asks, "no honey you don't have to call him that see you have to be called grandpa you have to urn that title just like me and mom urn the mom and dad Tital does that make sense," Kelly says "like Grandpa Boden and his Tital," Julia asks "ya Kido like that," I say.

Later that day we got to the diner we agreed to meet Benny at and he's already waiting for us. We wake over there and I can sense Julia tens up and clinging to Kelly "Hello what's your name little miss" Benny asks Jalay "Jalay Sevirde" Jalay says like she is talking to the president of the United States and I just giggle. "That's a very pretty name, Jalay. I'm Benny."

We started taking it when the server came to get are or drink orders me and Kelly got coffee and the girls got hot chocolate because it is October in Chicago so it's not warm but it's not too cold either.  "So Stella you're a Lutenist know?" Benny asks "Ya I am still at 51 I've been on Truck since Casey went to Oregon to take care of the Darden boys," I say and he doesn't really seem too happy about it "You still working with the kids know?" He asks "I will go back to work once Shay and Bentley are 1," I say a little uncomfortable "Well that's not good for the kids to have a nanny watching them all the time," he says and Kelly's trying to stay calm expertly since Julia is already stressed "they won't they'll be with our moms when we're on shift," Kelly says a little aggressively  "your moms not capable of anything" he mutters under his breath "ok were done here," Kelly said we get up and give the waiter what we need to pay her and we leave 

I can see that Jalay and Julia are visibly shaking "I'm sorry girls I didn't mean to yell" Kelly said and all I see is how much the two of them are completely different. "Do you girls want to go to Grandpa?" He asks them "Daddy is that even a question." Jalay says in her sassy tone that pretty much sums up who she is and we all giggle 

We get to Boden's house and we nock and wait "Hey girls" he says as he opens the door and the girls through themselves on Boden "Why don't you girls not push Grandpa over and go find your coloring books" I ask them "ok" they both say and run off.  "I thought you guys were meeting Benny today?" Boden asked us.  "That's where we were then he made some comment about Stella working still after the kids and how my mom was not capable of anything and I was done with it so we left and the girls were upset because I raised my voice and I think it scared them a little bit so we figured that we would come over here for a little bit if that's ok." Kelly says "that's always ok for you guys to come over here," Donna says from the kitchen. "Mommy look what Nana gave me." Jalay says running from the kitchen "That's a pretty big cookie," I say as I watch her take a huge bite out of it "Honey please take smaller  bights so you don't choke." I tell her she nods her head and goes over to their coloring table.

(Kellys POV)

We were sitting there and Donna was holding Shay and I had Bentley. When Julia comes over to us and sits by Boden and cuddles into his side.  It was at that moment I realized that it was going to be ok for the girls not to have my dad in their lives and the people who chose to be in our life are the perfect amount of people in our lives

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