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ryujin's pov

It's been like two months at least. I got up early, trained a little, and took a small tour around the house. I still currently have no intel, but I will get some today. Right now Mr. Hwang isn't home, he said that he will be attending a business conference abroad with his wife. Yeji is currently sleeping like she hasn't slept in five years. Yeji's little brother is also sleeping.

What I found odd about this business conference, is that all of the guards that were previously here when I arrived, left along with Mr. Hwang. Did I mention there was a school population worth of guards. But as Yeji's personal guard, I am forced to stay.

The time was 5 am, it's still early. Yeji has an alarm set for 6 am. She said she wanted to send her brother off to school, and she seemed rather excited about that. I have a good hour to sneak around, might as well make the most of it.

I stepped into his office, why does his office look like a principal's office? There's loads of books in the bookshelves implanted on the wall. Quite obviously one book would open a secret door, I got excited. I feel like I am in a movie.

Oh shut it Shin, focus.

I decided I can find this secret door later, I don't want to cause too much noise. I came across the computer on his desk. Now what the fuck, it needs a password, a fingerprint, and an eye scan.

Doesn't his wife or children suspect anything? Well I mean, what the hell can the kids do about it? Now his wife, maybe she thinks he's hiding his porn on there. Actually his wife went to the business conference with him, she's probably in on it too.

Yeah no shit she's in on it, what were you thinking, hiding porn, stupid Shin.

I dug through my pocket for that electronic unlocker. Every agent on a recon mission has it, there's no doubt that we would run into locks and passwords like this. You just have to attach it to the computer, and it will automatically unlock all locks like passwords, fingerprints, face or eye scans. It also tells you what the password was before unlocking. I don't usually go on recon missions so I use it whenever I forget my Netflix password.

(The internet was discovered about 40 years before it was released to the public. The government has 40 years worth more advanced technology than the public currently uses. Since the Elite Agent Bureau (in this story lol) is a small branch that's somewhat connected to the government, they have advanced technology too)

I finally found it in my pocket, it's quite small but extremely useful. I attached it to the computer, and it was already done.

His password was S4mLucyN1-k1

Who the hell are those people? Must be Sam Smith, Lucy Liu, and Nicki Minaj. Weird but cool.

I was looking around his desktop, and disappointment was written all over my face once I saw the application on the corner of the screen. There's a black and orange icon. I just sighed loudly and kept looking.

I saw a download for an audiobook, I never saw or heard of this book before. It's called Burdens. Maybe I'll check that out later.

I came across a folder. Maybe this was something?

I went through the folder, and it was filled with photos. Photos of 2 kids. They look the same age. One girl and one boy, same eyes, they were practically identical.

But last I recall, is Yeji way older than her younger brother? Her younger brother wouldn't even be born if she was this age. This can't be Yeji then. This little boy looks like Hwang In-yeop. I saw a woman with these two kids, they are a true family. The woman was smiling and the little boy was smiling his life away. But there was something off with the little girl?

She was more mature? Serious? Hey, why so serious? Most of the photos were filled with happy photos of the little girl. I found another part of the folder, a different album of photos. It was untitled.

It was a man and a little girl. They were taking pictures, but not smiling. Was the little girl forced to do this?

There's another album. It was also untitled. Does this old man name anything? It's the woman, she's pregnant. But there was a date? This was recent. This must be Yeji's mom pregnant with Yeji's younger brother.

Guess what? ANOTHER UNTITLED ALBUM. It was pics of a little boy. This must be Hwang In-yeop again. It looks like him.

For a mafia leader he seems happy as a kid

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For a mafia leader he seems happy as a kid.

There was another folder this time. It was a project regarding agents for the Hwangs. It's called Project Light Youth. There's a description, it says "Exceptional athletic children taken in to work as an agent and trained throughout their life"

I scrolled down to see a purchase for a personal education program for the children. He was planning to ruin these kids' childhood for the benefit of a power soldier? He couldn't get worse at this point.

I scrolled down more to see a job application as a personal trainer. The person who applied was Lee Junho. He's not famous for criminal activity, at least not now. What really confuses me is that this application dates back to June 28th, 2004.

I guess I should research about this dude on a free day. I wrote down his name on a small piece of paper and put it in my pocket.

Other than that I couldn't find anything. Until I looked closely at his desktop wallpaper. It looked like a default one, but for the wrong brand. I looked closely into the wallpaper and noticed that one part of it looked out of place?

I clicked on that part and realized it was a folder, disguised as the wallpaper. It's filled with plans, exchanges, contacts with other groups, locations, and a postponed plan to attack the Main Elite Agent Bureau Facility. Why was it postponed? When I was about to click on more files, I heard noises upstairs. I quickly took a flash drive and copied the folder into it.

It was almost done copying. I was waiting impatiently. Finally it was done, but someone came in. I quickly grabbed the flash drive and hid under the desk. The door opened. I heard a deep sigh.

"The usual. Damn it" Yeji said before leaving. Does her father usually do this? What an annoying dude.

I checked the time. 6:12 am. Man I suck.

third person pov

Ryujin was able to sneak out the room, and help Yeji get her younger brother for school. However there was something the black haired girl missed.

In the folder filled with albums of photos, the very first album she saw, there was one difference of that particular album when compared to the other albums. It was named.



getting interesting 😋

btw y'all i'm try to post at a different time stamp, because i live in new york, so i be posting after midnight right before i sleep, and this is lowkey unhealthy since i'm still a student 😭

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