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ryujin's pov

Today is the next day. It is currently 7am. I couldn't get a good night's sleep due to the thoughts overflowing in my head. I was laying on my bed, my body flat and facing the ceiling. I had an arm over my forehead and I just stared at the ceiling.

I heard a vibration from the small table next to my bed. I shifted my body towards the side of the bed to check my phone. A smile was immediately written on my face.


'good morning monkeyyyyy

ik you are at your agency working but remember to eat

anyways i'll text later

i miss you loser :('


I caught myself giggling at the fact that she misses me but also ignoring that she called me a loser. I quickly replied back, not forgetting to reciprocate the 'i miss you' making my happy mood.

My mood quickly went sour after I remembered that I needed to get ready for court. I got in the shower and got my clothes on. I went to the mirror to do my tie, remembering that I was never able to do it. Who the hell decided to make ties so complicated?

"Need help?" I heard, it was my giant ass sister. She was leaning against the door frame, looking at me in amusement. I looked back at her, sighed, and slightly nodded.

"You are older, you should know how to do your tie by now" Yuna said as she walked to me and started doing my tie.

"Yeah yeah, I will learn" I looked down. I wasn't really paying attention to her until I felt a smack on my head.

"You said that last time, idiot" She recalled, trying to lift the mood but quickly noticed that it wasn't working. She finished fixing my tie and exhaled loudly.

"Listen, whatever happens next in that court, it won't be serious. They take you seriously and this whole Bureau will collapse if you are gone. Don't worry," she said sincerely. I raised my eyebrow at her and smirked.

"Shin Yuna being nice to her sister? Is the world ending?" I chuckled and she smacked my shoulder.

"Yah, you are making me truly question if the world is ending, you of all people getting in trouble." She rolled her eyes, emphasizing the 'you'. She suddenly had a mischievous look on her face.

"By the way... Was she that pretty that you made a move?" She giggled as she asked me, and quickly ran away.

"Ms. Kang told you??" I yelled as she left my room. After that I only heard her obnoxious laughter from her room.

After that disturbing conversation with Yuna, I put on my shoes and headed for the court. I quickly drove to the court. The Bureau owns a campus-like block. Think of a school campus but the area is ten times bigger. The court was on the other side so I had to drive there, not long though.

Once I arrived I had to wait for the person who was substituting for Ms. Kang to arrive as well. It was easy to tell when the person arrived, because the room went silent immediately. I stood up as everyone else did to bow and greet the substitute as the person walked to their designated position.

At the moment everyone bowed in a 90 degree angle, I quickly returned to my standing position slightly faster than everyone else. I was able to catch a glimpse of the substitute's face, and I froze instantly.

"Ouch damn, be careful Agent Shin"

I recognize that golden name tag as it shined from the pearl white lights of the court. Choi Yeonjun. He fixed his glasses as he sat with the other Board members. He opened my case file and skimmed through it. He then looked up and spoke on the microphone.

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