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Pomni & the others all staying in a white void. Pomni continued looking around for an exit.

"Pomni, give it up already, it's been a week and a half already, if you haven't found an exit yet, you aren't finding one at all! And where is Caine?" Jax asked as he constantly tapped his foot "I got nothing better to do and I'd rather do it!"

"But how does that work?" Gangle asked.

"Wait a minute, didn't we already do this before?" Pomni asked, slightly freaking out.

"Ladies and Gentlemen!" Caine said as he appeared out now I present to you! "Digital Circus AU!" He enthusiastically said.

"Au?" Zooble questioned.

"That's right! You see, I have gone across the entire Internet of the human realm and found quite several adoring fans!"

"Wait h-how did you get to the real world? Was there a door!? Something!?" Pomni asked desperately.

"No door! I found a glitch in the system and I was going to fix it! But I heard some sort of music coming from it, and I got curious to see what it was, and that's when I discovered that the audience had made videos of us!" Caine stated.

"Really!? People know about us?" Gangle asked.

"Videos? Wait, on YouTube?" Ragatha asked.

"Precisely! The audience is just obsessed with you all, they even made fanart!" He said.

"Fanart? Wait, what kind?" Gangle asked, slightly worried.

"Just lovely fanart... Though I will say it'd be best for Pomni and Jax and Ragatha not to be so close to each other." He said, slightly weirded out.

Pomni, Jax, and Ragatha all looked at each other with confused expressions. Gangle covered her mouth as she only knew what he meant by that.

"So what does that mean for us?" Kinger asked.

"Yeah," Zooble chimed in.

"Well that's simple, I shall send you all to a digital world where you all can live your lives like you want," Caine said.

"Wait, okay this seems familiar, isn't this gonna lead us down to some anime rabbit hole?" Pomni asked.

"Not exactly, I've seen what the anime community is like... And I can tell you that the degenerate things I've seen aren't meant for the sane" Caine said.

"So you can send us to a digital world where we're able to live the lives we want?" Jax asked.

"Correct! Don't ask how I only manage to do this all of a sudden because I most likely won't know!" Caine stated, he quickly slapped his hands together, causing a portal to open up behind them. The gang all got pulled in and the portal quickly closed behind them.

Caine was left floating alone in the void.
"Welp, guess I'll see what new humans shall join the Digital Circus," Caine said Before he warped away.

"Ouch, my head..." Pomni grew as she opened her eyes, "Huh! What the!?" She exclaimed as she leaned up, seeing she was in a bedroom. She quickly got up and ran to the mirror that was connected to the dresser, her eyes widened as she was seeing herself with a human body.

"Is... Is this me... Human me? No... No Caine said he'd send to a digital world, so this is all still fake..." Pomni let out a sigh of disappointment. "Wait... What's this?" She asked as she reached into her back pocket and pulled out a wallet.

She opened the wallet and saw her ID. She pulled out and read it.
"Name: Pomni L. Freeman."
"Age: 25 Years old."
"Height: 5ft 3. What!? Why am I 5ft 3!?" She complained.
"Wait, what about the others?" She asked. Pomni looked around and found her phone on the counter charging. She quickly picked it up seeing a message from Ragatha.

"Hey Pomni, it's Ragatha, meet us at the park, we all have locations of each other." Pomni read. Pomni was shocked to hear that she and the others all made it and were in a new world.

Pomni got out of the house and ran to the park, breathing rapidly. As she arrived at the park, she saw a young lady with a comedy mask on with a sketch pad, an older woman with red locks, and an older man talking to a bird. She quickly ran over to them.

"And when I told the others that, they thought I was insane! Come on now! I'm not insane! I'm the most level-headed member of the group here!" The older man said.

"Dude I'm a pigeon! Not a parrot!" The bird said in an annoyed tone.

"Ah, you're right, sorry for the confusion."

"Kinger, you have been talking to that bird for 30 minutes straight, it doesn't talk," Ragatha stated.

"Oh, what does she know? She's a redhead!" The bird said.

"Hey guy!" Pomni said as she finally made it to the the others. Ragatha, Gangle, and Kinger all looked at Pomni's slowing down next to them.

"Pomni!" The others said simultaneously as they looked at her.

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