Chp 3: Jax in the box.

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The next day, Ragatha was looking at the mirror looking at her curls. "Ugh, I hate feeling so anxious! I'm just going out to hang out with Jax." Though us being free from the circus made me look at Jax a little bit differently, not to mention he's kind... Cu- NO!" She said suddenly as she shook her head.

"We're just friends who's going to hang out... Ugh, who I'm kidding? His stupid smile is stuck in my head now..." Ragatha put her head on the dresser. "I don't know why but I feel like me being in this world along with my age makes me feel like I'm 30."

She lifted her head, looking defeated. "I can't date him because he's too young, I mean 22 and 30 is a big gap of ages, yes I know he's legal to date-" Just before she could finish that sentence, knocking came from her front door.

Jax was standing outside his door wearing a purple and black tech hoodie with black jeans and Mid White, Purple, and Black Air Jordan 1. Just then, Ragatha opened the door quickly, wearing a blue turtle neck, black jeans, and black heels, though her sudden quickness to open the door made Jax flinch slightly.

"Hey, Jax!" She said looking calm with sweat forming on her face. Jax chuckled playfully. "Did I catch you at a bad time?" He asked. Ragatha giggled nervously but tried to play it off, "Oh no, you're fine".

'I'm sorry but... Why does Jax seem to have so much charisma? He's pretty confident in a young adult.' She thought to herself. "Anyway! Let's go" she said as she walked down the steps alongside Jax.

The pair began to walk down the sidewalk talking. "So where should we go first, we still have some sun left to enjoy," Ragatha said.

"Well, I'm honestly surprised you're asking me since you're the one who would seem to be more comfortable with making the decision." Jax said jokingly, Ragatha giggled as she leaned over to Jax and gently bumped into his arm as she said, "Well I like to see where the man would take me first. Yet again, I haven't been on a... Outing with a friend before, especially one who is as smooth as you, she playfully teased.

"You talk as if this a date of some sort" he teased back at Ragatha, making her blush slightly. "Yeah well we are adults having some quality time together, wouldn't you agree" She asked, leaning in closer to Jax. He chuckled, "That is true".

'Goodness, being in that Digital Circus almost made me forget how it felt being a teenager, well... More than being there for goodness knows how long. But the fact that I'm excited to go out and have fun feels great! But... What if this date turns into something much more?' She thought to herself.

Gangle hanging with Zooble as she's drumming in her room.
"So you used what we went through in the digital circus and made us into a cartoon?" Zooble questioned. "That's right. What we went through there is something nobody would ever believe in, so I thought maybe it'd be great to make the life we had into something people would like to watch." Gangle said.

"Yeah, but we are still in the Digital World... We can still feel the same thing as we did when we first got here, The only difference is that we're all humans, even if it's all Digital." Zooble stated.

"About that!" Gangle chimed in. "I get that we're in the Digital World but... Doesn't it feel a little... Weird?" She asked, "Weird? Weird how?" Zooble asked as she was confused by her question. "I mean... Doesn't it feel like... We're actually living?"

"You probably feel like that because you have a body now, I say that because I felt the same way, but I was shapes and limbs thrown together, I feel like even Kinger would agree because he was just a chess piece," Zooble said, making Gangle think to herself.

"Hold up, I never realized that Pomni, Ragatha, and Jax were the only ones with bodies that were... Well somewhat more human than ours." Gangle said as she stood up.

"That's a bit of a stretch, Pomni was a dwarf-sized jester with no neck, Ragatha was a doll with a thumb, index finger, and... Well the rest was just a palm and one infused hand, but a doll. Jax? Well, he was just a low-budget George Washington Bunny with overall and a shit-eating grin..." She stated, sounding slightly annoyed. "Creepy fuck!"

Gangle looked on with a stunned look on her face, "Who's George Washington Bunny?" She asked.
"The bunny that goes by Bugs Bunny" Zooble explained.

"What!?" Gangle exclaimed, leaving Zooble confused. "Wait, did you actually think his name was just Bugs Bunny?! That's not even a believable name!" Zooble stated.

"I-i- I don't know what to say, this entire time, that was his name!?" Gangle asked, slightly freaking out. "You think that's shocking, the duck's name is Daffy Horatio Tiberius Duck"

"SAY WHAT!?" Gangle exclaimed. "Y-yeah, I mean the Looney Tunes characters are over a decade old, I'm more surprised that Lola and George don't have a child."
Gangle shivered at the thought of hearing someone saying Bugs real name.

"Anyway! Let's change the subject, I noticed earlier when you were talking about Jax, that you were kinda annoyed, why was that?" Gangle asked. Zooble rolled her eyes, "Simple, he's a piece of shit who's a potential fuck boy."

"Huh? Why do you say that? Jax seems pretty cool... Well, he's Jax" Gangle said, remembering how much an asshole Jax was.

"And that's the problem, have you not noticed how he looks and acts? He looks and acts like every typical guy who thinks with his dick." Zooble stated, sounding even more annoyed.

Gangle nervously rubbed her arm, "Well what makes him seem like one?" She asked. Zooble stood up and stretched her arms out, "Simple, most guys who're 6'ft, handsome, deadheaded with dye in it, always act as if they're top shit, and an asshole is a fuck boy." Zooble said.

Gangle was taken aback as she wondered why talking about Jax made Zooble so angry, suddenly, "Wait... Did you have-"

"Yes! I had a crush on him back then! Don't say shit to anybody! Got it!?" Zooble said it, shocking Gangle as she covered her mouth.
"W-wait, you... For Jax? Jax?! I- can't-"

'Wait, you were wondering if I liked him back then, right?" Zooble asked, only to have Gangle blushing, "RIGHT!?" She asked once more as he grabbed Gangle by her shoulders.

"N-no! I was aww asking you did you have an ex-boyfriend similar to Jax but now I know that-"
"You! Heard! Nothing!" Zooble interrupted Gangle, sinking her fingers into Zooble fragile shoulders. Gangle quickly nodded, making Zooble let go of her as she let out a sigh of relief.

'Oh my goodness, Zooble had a thing for Jax!? That's so cute!'

Pomni sits alone in her apartment with a depressed look on her face as she's eating salmon with a pot with burned chicken in it.
"Hmm... Maybe I should see if Ragatha can reach me how to cook, and at least have someone who's tall to assist me!' She mumbled before she ate her salmon.

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