Chp 4: Croc on the run.

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Pomni comes home from work exhausted from her long tiring day. She walked into the living and fell face-first onto the couch.

"Ugh... I'm so tired, I had to pull double shifts since one of the guys missed work due to a funeral..." She leaned up and rubbed her face as she stood up. "It's already been a week out of the Circus Nightmare, I will say, the fact I'm waking up alone in my apartment is... Still slightly unsettling".

She walked over to the kitchen and opened the fridge. "Weird, why haven't Caine popped out of the blue yet? Hmm, wouldn't mind at least hearing someone's voice.

Just then, someone knocked on the door quickly, grabbing her attention, "Huh? Is that Caine? Did he somehow hear me?" She asked as she walked to the door, she opened the door and saw some man with a leather jacket, wrangler jeans, and a hat.

"Howdy young lady," the man said quickly with an Australian accent. "Sorry to be bothered but may you please assist us!? Please, it's urgent!" The man pleaded, startling Pomni.

"Us? Who-" Before Pomni could ask, another guy pulled up to the doorway, holding a guy with a gunshot wound in his stomach, "WHAT THE FUCK!? WHAT HAPPENED!?" Pomni exclaimed as she stumbled back.

"Boss, we need to get him help fast! He's turning pale!" The guy said. "Don't worry guys, tis but a flesh wound" the victim said.
Pomni began to hyperventilate, as her body began to shake, seeing the victim fall to the floor as he held his stomach tightly.

'B-blood!? Is that... Blood!?!? N-no way! We're still in the digital world! We can't bleed!? Right!?' "LADY! DO YOU HEAR ME!?" The boss exclaimed, snapping Pomni out of it.

"R-right! I'll call the ambulance-" "No!" The boss said, interrupting Pomni. "Calling them will allow the police to track the call, do you have someone who can help us!" He asked desperately. "I... I don't... Wait! I know someone!" She said as she pulled and began to make the call.

6 Minutes Later, Queenie stormed into the room, seeing Pomni helping the men keep their injured friends conscious.
"Oh boy, I gotta work fast!" She said as she walked over to the guy.

Queenie began helping the men, keeping them near to help out, Pomni watches from afar, still unsure how blood could exist in the Digital World. Out of nowhere, the boss runs outside, Pomni, worried for the man, chases after the man.

She followed him to the side of the house to see him throwing up. "H-hey... A-are you okay?" She asked.

"Okay?" He questioned as he turned his direction to Pomni, "Doll, I am far from alright... Because of my foolishness, I got one of my men shot!" He looked at the ground, feeling guilt. "A-and right now... I can't look at him like right now..."

"H-hey... Uh-" He stuttered trying to say his name. "The name's Jack," He said. Pomni walked closer to the guy. "Look, Jack... I don't know what you did that could've caused your friend to get shot but... Ugh..." She stumbled. "How do I say this?" She asked herself.

"That's a load of bull, because of my plan, he got hurt..." He mumbled. "Plan?" Pomni questioned," What plan?"

"Well, you see... We're-" "Boss!" The skinny guy said happily as he turned the corner "He's okay!" "What!? He is!?" Jack asked.

"Yes, he's fine," Queenie said as she took off her rubber gloves. "He should make a full recovery in a week and a half, but maybe take it easy for 2 weeks just to be safe."

"Gotcha," the skinny guy said as he ran back inside. "Ma'am, I'd like to thank-" "Keep your thanks," Queenie said, interrupting Jack. "Just make sure not to drag Pomni into your business, got it?!" She said in a stern tone.

"R-right Ma'am" Jack answered nervously. Queenie stormed off.

"Cranky, she doesn't play. Well... I'm sorry to be an annoyance but I thank you for your assistance, you and your friend, if you ever need me to repay the debt, I'll-" "Let's be friends."

"Pardon?" He said, stunned by Pomni's quick and sudden response. "Look, I don't have many friends... So... I'd hope you wouldn't mind becoming my friend." She said, putting her hands together nervously.

"S-sorry, I don't think that would be a great idea, I mean we only just met, and it was under very, very, unsettling circumstance" He stated. "I... I'll say that's true but not all friendships start with a normal and calm situation..." She said, trying to ease the mood. "Trust me," she said with her eyes drifting to the side.

"I... I-i-" He stumbled over his words, he then let out a sigh. "Very well, let's be friends! But let me make sure we get those two home" He agreed, making Pomni smile genuinely.
"Alright, you know where I'm at... Under a very odd circumstance." She giggled slightly.
"See, anyway, I'll be going, see you sometime soon... Uh..." "Pomni!" Pomni said, nervously giggling.

Jack chuckled along. "Pomni, Huh? Kinda stupid if you ask me... But still better than my nickname" He said. "Huh? Nickname?"
'Well now I come to think about it, a name like Pomni doesn't sound real at all, sounds like an inside joke of a name'

"No, my name is Jack" He then let out an annoyed sigh as he covered his face. "But due to my mum, people from my old home call me... GummiGoo..." He said with a tone of reluctance.

Pomni snickered as she covered her mouth. "Wow, and here I thought mine was, heh but go ahead and go to your Crocs Bros, I'll see soon" Pomni said, sounding happy.
"Very well, see ya soon, Pomni." Jack said as he ran off to their car. Pomni watched as he ran off.

Pomni walked back inside of her home and closed the door.

This chapter was needed for justice now I think I might've put myself in a box with the future chapter of the story.

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