Chp 5: Closing the distance.

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Jax and Ragatha sitting on the couch at her place, watching TV.

"Well, I think it's about time I head home," Jax said as he stood up. "What? Right now? It's almost midnight" Ragatha stated. "Why leave now of all times?" She asked.

"Well I can't exactly miss work tomorrow, and it's not like I can stay here" He stated as he stretched his arms out. "Wh-what!?" She stuttered, "But it's not safe to go out on the road at this time" she exclaimed.

"I'm pretty sure around this time, most of the world is either going home or already is home. And are you saying that you want me to stay with you for tonight?" He asked as he folded his arms.

"I-i- didn't say that... Per se! But I would feel much better if I knew that you were in a safe area... Like-" "Like with you?" Jax asked facetiously" Ragatha sighed. "Yes... I want you to stay with me..." She said in a soft tone, stunning Jax.

"Huh? Jax? Are you blushing-" "No way!" Jax quickly responded as he turned his back to Ragatha. "Aww, that's adorable" she teased Jax.

"Don't be an idiot! I don't blush, especially over some little sentence" He stated. Suddenly his eyes widened, as he felt Ragatha's arms wrapped around his waist from behind. He looked back, seeing her looking up at him.

"I want you to stay with me for tonight... Okay?" She asked in a gentle tone. Jax let a condescending chuckle as he lightly blushed.
"I mean I wouldn't mind going home this late, but of course you want me to stay with you, then I'll go along with it," he said.

Ragatha giggled playfully, "How cute" she uttered. "Wait a minute, where will you sleep at first?" She asked as she let go of Jax.
"Can't say the couch, your couch is a bit too small for my leg length"

"Hm, well maybe I should take the couch and you take my bed" Ragatha suggested. Jax let out a chuckle, "Or maybe... Me + You + Your bed" He said in a flirtous tone, causing Ragatha to blush nervously.

"Why red in the face? I only meant for sleeping of course" He said as he leaned in close to her face, talking softly. Ragatha exhaled calmly, "Fine, but don't get too handsy, or else you're sleeping in the tub" warned Jax.

"Well in my humblest defense, I can't help but to make you feel good," He said. "In fact, how about I show how good my hands are?"
"E-excuse me!? What!?" Ragatha exclaimed as her face turned red.

"Come on, I know you get into real deep places..." He said, making Ragatha back up, just then, he grabbed her by her hand and dragged her to the bedroom. Just before he closed the door, he placed a 'Do not disturb, even if you hear weird sounds' sign on the doorknob. He closed the door with a mischievous smile on his face.

"J-ja-Jax!? What are you about to do!?" Ragatha asked nervously. "Oh, nothing... Just get on the bed, I wanna see how long you'll last"

Pomni giggles as she watches... "Gummi" leaving her road. "Oh boy, Jack and I relate on the same wavelength, though... When he said he felt like didn't know what he had a meaning in life... That hurt, a lot...

Flashback to Pomni and Jack talking outside on the porch looking up at the moonlight. Pomni leaning on the metal railing as Jack sits on the steps.

"I feel like my life... Is pointless, you know? I mean I know that people say you must find a purpose in life, but... I don't know if I can do that, a few days ago I already had a talk with the other two and told them to give up this robbery life and get their life together"

"O-oh... You disbanded with the others..." Pomni uttered. Jack nodded, "I want us all to do better, I... I wanna restart my life, into something better... But I... I don't know how..." Jack stated.

"A new start, huh? I... I can understand that... But you feel pointless... Well... How about I help you have a purpose in life, huh?" She asked with her hand reaching out to him. "Do you think I'm redeemable?" He asked, still doubting him.

Pomni sat down next to him. "I believe everyone is important, no matter who they are, yes finding yourself or purpose in life isn't easy, but It's best to have something that motivates you to do so," Pomni said, stunning Jack.

"I want to help you have a fresh start... And that fresh start with us being friends, if you don't mind that is" Pomni said, slightly worried. Jack chuckled faintly.
"You're a strange one, you know that" "But... Sure" He said as he stuck his hand out. "Let's be friends.

Pomni grabbed Jack's hand, agreeing to start a new life with him...

Back to the present, Pomni calls Ragatha for information. "Please pick up Ragatha! Please! I need-

"H-Hold up! Y-your hands are doing too much to my body" Ragatha exclaimed, turning Pomni's face red, hearing Ragatha sounding erotic.

"Oh come on, Ragatha, I'm just a friend who's giving you a full body-" Pomni quickly hung up, shocked to hear Jax's voice along with Ragatha at this time of the night.

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