Chp 6: Clearing The Air.

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The next day. Pomni & Ragatha were standing outside watching the kids play at recess.

"Oh my goodness, I didn't mean to make provocative sounds" Ragatha cried out as she covered her face, feeling humiliated.
"Wait so let me get this straight! Jax was only giving you a massage? Nothing else?" Pomni asked.

"Yes!" Ragatha quickly answered, "I didn't want him to leave so late so I let him stay with me!" Ragatha explained, slightly confusing Pomni. "Uh... Ragatha, not to sound like that person but... I doubt Jax would put himself in a problem that would get him hurt... Yet again he's more sadistic than I thought"

"I know but people can't exactly blame me for feeling this way, ugh... But still, Jax stayed over and he thought giving me a deep massage was the best way to show his gratitude, he didn't take no as an answer, of course," Ragatha explained.

Pomni giggled, "With the sounds leaving your body, I almost thought he was uh... Uh... Ahem!" She cleared her throat. "Well, you know... That"

"Oh no, we're only just friends, though of course we know how Jax feels about being a jerk to his friends..." But... I do wonder... If we dated... How would that go? Mmm..." She thought to herself.

"Wait a minute, do you have a thing for him?!" Pomni questioned, sounding slightly worried. "Oh no! No! No!" She quickly answered, "Just friends! Nothing extra!"

"Well, that's good to know because we know how Jax is, he can be quite the asshole..." Pomni stated. Ragatha giggled, "Yeah, I can imagine, especially when we went to that candy kingdom"

"Oh yeah... Remember Jax's large hand around my neck still pisses me off" Pomni said, sounding filled with anger.

"Well do something about it," Jax said as he appeared out of nowhere, startling Ragatha as Pomni flinched slightly. "J-Jax!? When did you get here?" Ragatha questioned. "Simple, I heard someone talking down on my name and I can't be having that, especially when it comes from a short bean sprout," He said as he looked down upon Pomni.

Pomni rolled her eyes, "Can't help speaking the truth when it comes to people like you!"

Jax let out a chuckle, "Man must be so hard to accept the fact that you're the flattest out of the" Just before Jax could finish irritating Pomni, she went to strangle him, only to be stopped by Ragatha.

"Now this isn't right Pomni!" She said as was holding onto Pomni's wrists. "We're on school grounds! With kids around!" You two don't have anything to do at the moment, settle your problem elsewhere! Or just learn how to get along!"

"Us? Getting along? This jerk love his ego so much that he'd married it!" Pomni stated. "And yet, I'd have something to marry rather than being a lonely salmon-eating-"

"I'm not lonely! I-I have someone!" She exclaimed, shocking Ragatha. "You do!?" She asked in utter disbelief, but Jax didn't believe it "Of course she doesn't, I mean she's more lonely than a chick watching his girlfriend-"

"Jax! Not around the kids, ugh! You two need to leave so I don't get in trouble for your beef" Ragatha complained. Just then, Jax grabbed Pomni by her arms and flung her onto his shoulder, confusing both Pomni and Ragatha.

"Don't worry, I'll get her out of your hair" Jax said nonchalantly. "Jax! I'm not a child! Let go of me!" Pomni demanded as she tried to break free from his grasp. "Quit squirming you little brat, geez you're such a pain," He said as he walked off

"I'M OLDER THAN YOU!!!" Pomni exclaimed. Ragatha sighed as they left the area.

"Ugh, the energy to go back and forth with someone is a little too much for me.

As Jax continued to walk with Pomni still over his shoulder, she began to cuss him out. "Jax you fucking asshole! Let go of me already damnit!" She demanded once more.

"Jeez you're so loud-" Just then, Pomni elbowed Jax in the back of the head, making him stumble. "Why you brat!" He said angrily, he walked up a tree and pinned Pomni by her neck to it.

"Get the fuck off me, Jax!" She said as she tried to break through Jax's grip. "After what you just did, I should fuck you up, but I'm only playing nice for your sake! At any other moment, I'd make you feel as useful as a teenage boy with his right hand as his best friend... You guys will get it soon" Jax said as he looked at the screen

"And also, this... Guy, you were referring to, who is he? Or is it just some woman who's a wannabe man?" He asked mockingly.

"Tch! He's a man! More of a man than you, that's for sure!" Pomni yelled. "Oof! Ouch! Aww! My ego! My pride!" Jax chuckled, taunting Pomni even more. "Oh please, if you're not trying to lie just to get the upper hand, then how about we double date? Hm?" He asked.

Pomni suddenly went quiet, making Jax smile. "Oh? I guess I'm-" "Bet! Let's do that!" Pomni exclaimed. "Ah, fine, let's double date then, I can't wait to see what man's desperate enough to date a clown such as yourself"

Pomni grew a vein in her head, Jax quickly let go of her, letting her catch her breath properly. "Me and Ragatha with you and your... Man" He taunted her as he walked off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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