He didn't even try-Chapter 27

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Tw:blood, swears, abuse, police

Third person pov

The two brothers got back home and checked the place where Kyogo was supposed to be, there was no one, they just assumed he cleaned up and went to sleep "we have to clean the blood, we can't leave the kitchen like this".

Sanemi looked at his brother for a moment "go sleep okay? I'll handle this" he said as he gave Genya a pat on the shoulder, the younger nodded as he went to his room, he wasn't sure if his siblings were in his room or in their room.

He knocked, there was no answer, so he opened the door and his saw his siblings sleeping, Sumi and Hiroshi were sleeping on the ground, they were probably waiting for him, the rest of his siblings were on his bed, he smiled, but yet again he didn't know where to sleep now.

Hiroshi opened his eyes to look at Genya, he was awakened by the knocking "Genya?" He whispered, he rubbed his eyes so he could see his brother better "did you and Sumi wait for me?" Genya asked as he sat next to his brother.

"Kinda, we helped dad and he looked scared, then he went to his room without saying a word" Hiroshi said, and Genya was surprised by the fact that Kyogo was actually scared, it was probably given by the fact that he was almost beat to death by his oldest son.

Genya was tired, he placed his head back on the wall and just closed his eyes, it was probably the most uncomfortable position to sleep, but he would manage "how about we both go to sleep? We'll talk about it in the morning" Genya said tired as he closed his eyes.

Hours passed, he still couldn't sleep, it was hard for him with all that happened, he tuned on his phone and realized he still had to respond to his friends, he decided to start with Aoi's messages.

Aoi: you'll be there for last year's eve?
Aoi: also how are you doing rn? You feeling any better?

Genya: I don't know if I can be there for last year eve, I have to ask
Genya: I'm great, dw

Now it was time to answer Tanjiro

Tanjiro: Genya since you aren't reading the gc I'm texting you in private
Tanjiro: do you wanna spend new years with the group?
Tanjiro: let us know, everyone will be there

Genya: I don't know, I'll ask tomorrow

And for final Muichiro, his boyfriend

Muichiro: I have an idea
Muichiro: how about you try to convince your dad and brother to let you go?
Muichiro: I know that shit happened at home, maybe you can say that it would be better if you were away from home
Muichiro: please let me know xxx

Genya: this might sound crazy but maybe I'll be able to come for Christmas
Genya: I don't know, I'll let you know when dad wakes up

He just noticed the time, it was 5 am, Muichiro was definitely gonna make a deal about it, also Aoi and Tanjiro too, they would often tell him he needed to sleep at least 7 hours, but Genya rarely listened to them.

Crazy enough, he saw Muichiro texting him back, and only one thing was going trought his mind 'why the hell is he up at this hour?'.

Muichiro: that's great
Muichiro: but why are you up at this hour? Go to sleep

Genya: excuse you? You are up too at this hour
Genya: you should go to sleep

Muichiro: me? No you
Muichiro: go to sleep

Genya: nah

Muichiro: I'll come to your house right this instant if you don't go to sleep

Genya: I could say the same thing

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