overthinking-chapter 10

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Tw:small mention of abuse, swears

Third person pov

"I didn't know you were that time of person to like that kind of things" Genya said, laughing a little at the end "oh please, just because I look like a defenseless scared little girl doesn't mean I can't have fun" Muichiro spoke as he gave Genya a light punch in the shoulder

"That was actually so cool!" Genya whispered to himself like a little child, Muichiro laughed at the view "one question? When do you have to go home?" Asked the younger, he started to go home at 6 pm cause it would get dark early

'shit' Genya didn't thought about that, he would just get some shit in mind or whatever "when are you suppose to go? My father said I could go home whenever I wanted" he lied, he didn't really liked bringing his dad up since he was a piece of crap but he didn't want to tell his family situation to Muichiro

"Then how about we walk around and then we go home at 6 pm?" Muichiro proposed, looking at Genya "that's fine with me" the taller spoke as he tried to force a smile, the smaller noticed and decided to ask

"Hey, you ok?" Muichiro asked, putting a hand on Genya's shoulder "yeah I'm fine, totally" spoke Genya as he smiled and sigh "let's look for a place to sit down and talk, m'kay?" He said as began to walk with Muichiro following behind him

After some walking they found a nice place and sat down, they were in silence for a little when Muichiro felt a weight on his shoulder, it looked like Genya fell asleep on the smaller 'did he really fell asleep on me? Okay, whatever you do don't you dare move a muscle Muichiro' the boy thought as he remained still

He pulled out his phone very slowly, not wanting to wake the older up, and started to next Tanjiro

Muichiro: Tanjiro
Muichiro: Tanjiro
Muichiro: don't ignore me
Muichiro: it's serious

Tanjiro: someone died?

Muichiro: no but I'm about to

Tanjiro: it can't be that bad

Muichiro: he's SLEEPING on me, I can feel his BREATH on my NECK

Tanjiro: sounds like a you problem

Muichiro: what do I do Tanjiro???

Tanjiro: is it annoying you?

Muichiro: annoying? Are you KIDDING?

Tanjiro: great! Are you two a couple now?


Tanjiro: do you like him?

Muichiro: I don't know! I feel really nice around him and I really enjoy talking with him
Muichiro: he's also very nice, I like being around him and i want to always talk with him
Muichiro: I never felt like this before, is it too early to feel this way?

Tanjiro: first of all, no, it's not wrong to feel this way when you two meet two days ago
Tanjiro: also, it's been since the start of October that you fucking have your eyes on him
Tanjiro: I suggest you wait a little to figure out your feeling for him, don't rush into things

Muichiro: thank you for your advice Tanjiro, I don't know what I would do without you

Tanjiro: of course, anytime Muichiro

Muichiro got off whatsapp and went on TikTok to watch some things, he would just wait some time like Tanjiro said. As he watched the videos he also kept an eyes on the time, however he could not concentrate with Genya sleeping on him

He turned off his phone and just relaxed, he took a few deep breaths and tuned on his phone, goin back to text Tanjiro

Muichiro: Tanjiro

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