I told the kids that my squad is here and we were ready to escape this place and bring the kids home we distracted the droid so we could escape I knocked out a scientist as we go to escape but first I decided to bring a distraction such as the zilo beast.

Later we went to go when troopers came but they were all the sudden stunned.

"Causing chaos havoc 5?" A familiar voice said.

"Echo?" I said.

He takes off his helmet "hey phoenix and kids"

"The shuttles on bay four are still operational" I looked to see emerie there. "We must hurry"

We started going when I stoped "where are hunters wrecker and Crosshair?"

"They're detained" echo said.

"You mean captured"

"For now" then he looks to emerie "can you fly that shuttle"

"Yes why?" Emerie asked.

"Take the kids to these coordinates we'll meet you there"

"You're not coming with us?" Jek asked.

"There are more prisoners inside including my friends. I can't leave without them" The kids hugged me as i hugged back "don't worry enemies is taking you someplace safe. We'll meet you there"

Emerie gives me a pad "this will help you access all won't of the facility"

I take the pad "look after them"

"You have my word. Be careful mom"

I smiled as echo and I ran inside "you ready?" He asked.

I nod"Let's complete the mission"We go in and ran and picked up guns and helped some troopers.i went to look for the others when I saw a familiar kaminoan "nala se"

"Phoenix. Why did you come back to this place?"

"I had to but it's okay we're all getting out this time" then I started looking then I told each that I would go find them.

"Phoenix" nala se call "I must not allow my science to remain in the Empire's hands. The only way you and omega will be free is if hemlock is gone and the data banks are destroyed"

I nod "then let's get to the lab"

"No your place is with them" she points to the clones.

I nod understanding "you'll need this" I give her the pad.

I start to go in the vent to see the guys I told echo. I go down and walked to the tech and when all the sudden I was grabbed by a trooper.

Hemlock walked in "A glaring weakness in clones is their loyalty to one another.thank you for proving my point" he hit some button "their efforts have failed predictably so"

Then I heard a clone say the lab was destroyed I looked to wrecker who was moving "you failed too" I said "your data's gone"

Hemlock turns to me "but I still have you"

I smirked "you're forgetting one thing.i have them" then wrecker gets himself out as well as crosshair and hunter.

I went to grab a weapon but hemlock grabs me and pulls me away from them taking me somewhere. Outside. We heard shooting as I saw crosshair and hunter there.

"That's far enough" hemlock said pointing the gun at me.

"You won't get past them" I said.

"They won't risk hurting you"

"Neither will you" I said "you need me alive"

Then hemlock walks forward when I took something out and stabbed hemlock as hunter and Crosshair shoots hemlock dead.

I looked to Hunter and Crosshair and ran up to them and gave them a hug "I'm so glad you're both all right"

I let them go as we all get to the shuttle to escape.

Later we head back to pabu where everyone is safe I say down with omega and batcher as Hunter walks up and sits beside me.

"With hemlock gone and his data destroyed, they're finally safe" I said looking at the clones.

"And so are you" Hunter said.

Then I looked to the children "Will it take long to find their families?"

"Rex and I are working on it, but we'll look after them until then."

Then I watched as echo was about to leave. He looks at me and smiled before leaving.

"What about the rest of the clones?" Omega asked "Will they stay here on pabu?"

"It's up to them" hunter said "they're free to follow their own paths. We've all fought enough battles for one lifetime. Now we get to choose who we want to be."

I smiled and layed my head on hunters shoulder as hunter and wrecker came to sit and relax.

I don't know what lies ahead but whatever it is we'll always be there for each other because that's...

What makes a team...

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