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I woke up on a cold ground and groan touching my neck while feeling coming on it. I pulled it out to see a tiny knockout dart and threw it to the wall.

I looked around to see myself In a cell. Wait, I was with wrecker before this happened where is he?

"Wrecker?!" I shouted.

"You friends not here" a female voice said from the shadows as she slowly walks towards me as she came to the light she was all black and yellow and she was wings on her back and wearing a crown. She must bee the queen.

"What did you do to him?" I asked her in anger.

"Nothing, he took some hits, I got say hhe is larger and stronger so we had to give him big dosage. And now he sleeps like a baby." She explains

That sounds like him. "What are you gonna do with us?"

"You two are gonna be here for dinner." She said. "It's gonna bee a big feast" she turns  around as I looked at her stinger it lookes. I was to their weaknesses is their stinger. I gotta take it out that's how we kill a Yalbec Queen. "For that sit still, the feast will begin shortly." She said walking away.

Once she left I smiled "Don you worry, I'll sit still alright" I sarcastically said and I looked around to find something to open the cell. Then I realized I had something. I pulled out a pin from my pocket and began to do a tricky open it until I opened it. I smiled at the pin "I'm gonna thank tech for showing me" I said to myself and put it in my pocket and rant to find wrecker. "Wrecker!" I wispered trying to look for him. "Wreck-" I couldn't say his name again due to being bumped into something that made me fell to the ground. I looked up and saw three familiar figures. "Hunter, tech Crosshair?"

"Phoenix, I'm glad you're all right" hunter said and he lends me a hand to help me up.

I take it as he pulls me up "how did you get in here?" I asked.

Hunter and Crosshair looks at tech and he just looked at them then at me and said "we'll I did put a tracking device on the bracelet I gave you."

I looked at the braclett on my wrist I actually like the bracelet he gave me. But I quickly shook of as I thought about wrecker.

"Guys we have to find wrecker  before he gets eaten by the Yalbec."

"Technically it's mating season" tech corrects me. "Once every Season the Yalbec-"

"NOT NOW TECH!" We all said.

"Well, this is a search and rescue lets go get the big guy" Hunter said as we ran through that hall to find wrecker.

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