Chapter 27

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A/n: Okay I'm putting some romance to each character per chapter. So be prepared. Hunter's first because why not?

Hunter and I were just on a mission on a snowy planet we were both walking around in the middle of nowhere hunter knelt on the ground and started picking up snow and sniffing it trying to know where to go.

He was engineered with good senses after all.

He stood up and pointed north and began walking as I followed him. The problem was it was starting to be a bit of a snowstorm.

"So what are we supposed to find again?" I asked hunter as I was walking behind him still.

"Honestly, I'm not sure" he answered but was still walking. "I was told we're supposed to find something even i don't know what." He shrugged.

Then later it started to really snow harder I can hardly see a thing.

"Umm.. Hunter I think we need to find a hiding spot before we freeze to death." I shouted while hugging myself.

"Theres a cave near by" hunter said pointing at the cave as we walked towards it.

We put our stuff down as I put the warmers on. I looked to see hunter taking off his armour from a distance he had big mussels and nice chiseled chest and an eight pack.

"You like the view?" I shook my thoughts when I heard his voice.

"What view?" I asked in confusion.

He chuckled "you were staring"

"No I wasn't."

"Yes you were"





"Wer- UGH!" I said in frustration as hunter laughs"stop doing that. I hate it when you do that!"

"Works every time. Now take off your armour. You need to dry off" he orders me.

I go to a wall to the dark spot where hunter won't watch me strip. Once I was done I put my armour beside his and went up to hunter as he takes out a blanket and looked at me.

"Enjoy the view" I teased.

"Shut up" he tells me throwing the blanket at me as I caught it. "It's the only one we have."

I wrapped the blanket around me and sat beside hunter "wonder if the boys miss us" I said.

"I already called them" he replied "tech said this will last for about eight hours so we're stuck here for a whiles" he might not notice but he's shivering.

I noticed and put some blanket around hunter as he looked at me in confusion "it's a big blanket probably good for the whole squad. Besides, I can see you shivering."

Instead of arguing with me he took some blanket and wrapped it around us he put his arm around my shoulder pulling me to his chest. His skin was warmer than the balanket holy shit.

"This good?" He asked. I nodded.

I had a lot in my mind it's been in my head for a while. I thought I would ask the guys when I think I'm ready but I rather ask individually.

"Hunter?" I looked up at him "what would happen to us after the war? What would you do when this is all over?"

Hunter gave some thought then looked at me. "I'm not sure to be honest. All the actions and this war has always been through my head I have never focus on anything else. I have alway think that one day I would die serving for the republic"

I understood hunter I knew him as well as the rest. I put my hand on hunter's as I feel him squeeze it. 

I looked at Hunter as he looks at me I smiled "I know we're not dying or anything but no matter it's an honour serving with you."

We stared at each other's eyes then before I noticed he leans towards me and pressed his lips on mine.

I was shocked for a second. This feeling was so new to me what shocked me more is that I kissed back.

Then hunter broke apart then realized what he's done.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't" he cleared his throat. "We should get some rest. He says lying down. I nodded and went to sleep.

Eight hours later

After we rested hunter and I put our suit back on and went to the caves to see clear blue sky's. And the ship came to rescue us as we entered the ship as we leave the planet.

I touched my lips thinking of hunter when he kissed me. But why?

A/n There we go I hope you liked it. asked before but though I will be doing endings for all of them who do you ship Phoenix with? Leave a comment.

next up in order:

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