Sick - Kate Martin

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The sound of a phone ringing is what brings me out of my sleep. Without opening my eyes I reach over and grab my phone not even checking the caller ID before answering, "what?" I snap into the phone wishing I was still asleep.

"I'd say good morning to you but it's already 1:30 in the evening. I texted a few times but you never responded so I got worried. I'm glad you're alive." She jokes, "How are you feeling?" Shit, I've been sleeping since 11:45, I must be getting sick. I hardly ever take naps like this.

"Hm, I'm sorry. I took a nap because my head is killing me." A whine leaves me as my head continues to pound and my stomach starts to turn "I don't feel good, Kate."

"I'm sorry, pretty girl. You want me to bring you some soup and medicine after I leave practice?" God, how sweet is she? She's at practice and still worried about me, I think I'm in love.

"You would be the best girlfriend in the world if you did." I say with a smile. "Even better if you'd stay and cuddle with me."

"I think that could be arranged. I'll be done around 2:30 and then I can head over. Can you last until then?" She asks.

"Yes, I'll probably just try to go back to sleep until you get here. You can just let yourself in with your key." My eyes are already feeling heavy with sleep again.

"You've got it, pretty. I'll see you soon, get some rest." She hangs the phone up and I reach over to put mine back on the charger. It only takes a few minutes before I'm drifting off to sleep.


What is that amazing smell? Slowly my eyes peek open to look around my room. It takes a minute for my eyes to adjust to the light and the sound of a tv show plays softly in the background. I roll over to check the time on my phone, 3:05. It must be Kate in the kitchen cooking.

   It's cold when I climb out of my bed so I grab an Iowa sweatshirt I stole from Kate and throw that on before leaving my room. Kate's standing at the stove with her back facing me so she doesn't see me coming. My hands wrap around her waist and I place a kiss against her back before laying my head on her.

"Hi baby, it smells amazing, what are you cooking?" She reaches back and wraps an arm around me, pulling me into her side so I can see the what's on the stove. There's a pan of chicken searing and big pan filled with a broth looking substance and various amounts of vegetables.

With a kiss to my head she says, "It's homemade chicken noodle soup. I was just about to come check on you. How are you feeling?"

   "Not great, my body feels achy and my headache hasn't gone away." I complain while her hand floats up and down my back in a loving gesture.

"I'm sorry baby, how about we eat this soup then cuddle on the couch? We can even watch One Tree Hill, I know it's your comfort show." She gives me a smile as she says this and it's one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. Everyday, I fall more in love with this girl.

   I reach up on my toes to press a kiss against her lips. "I would love that, thank you for doing all of this."

   "I'll always want to take care of you, Y/N. You mean the world to me and more. Now go get comfy on the couch and get your show pulled up. I'll bring you a bowl, it's almost ready."

   I lay one last kiss on her mouth before turning away, I grab a water bottle from the fridge and decide to take some ibuprofen for my head before sitting down. My couch isn't huge but it fits both me and Kate perfectly. My favorite blanket is already there so I wrap myself in it before sitting criss cross on the couch. It doesn't take me long before I have the first episode of one tree hill pulled up and started.

As the show plays I take the time to respond to all of the messages I may have missed with my many naps today. Including the message from Jada asking if I was still alive and breathing, she's so dramatic sometimes haha. Before I know it, Kate is walking into the living room holding two bowls of soup. I give her a bright smile as she sets the bowls on the coffee table and sits down beside me.

She steals some of my blanket as she gets comfortable on the couch. She nudges her knee against mine in a playful gesture and gives me one of her smiles. "Hand me my bowl please?"

After handing her the bowl and grabbing my own we sit back to watch the show, our legs still touching. The soup is delicious, seriously one of the best things I've ever had. It was just what I needed to settle my stomach. We finish our bowls in silence and she grabs them both and takes them to the kitchen, sitting them in the sink for later.

"Thank you for cooking, it was amazing." I tell her as she sits back down only this time she sits against the arm of the couch and pulls me between her legs so I'm resting against her chest, with her arms wrapped around me.

"I'm glad you liked it. My mom taught me how to cook all kinds of things. Now shhh I'm trying to watch the show." She jokes. Her fingers tangle in my hair, slowly massaging my head, it puts me in a trance like state instantly making me sleepy again.

   "Mmm, I love when you do that but it makes me so sleepy." I mumble.

   She kisses my head, "Then go to sleep, pretty girl. I'll be right here when you wake up."

   "I love you, Kate Martin." I say with a smile.

"I love you too, Y/N Y/L/N." She responds, pulling the blanket higher up on us both. Her hand continues to play with my hair and it doesn't take long for my eyes to drift closed once more.

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