Dog Park Date - Gabbie Marshall

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It's been about 3 weeks since I've moved to my new home in Iowa. Me and Finny, my 1 year old miniature schnauzer, have settled in nicely, we've even found a dog park I can take him to that's only a 10 minute walk from my apartment. We've gone at least 6 times since I found it. It's a fenced in park with different activities for the dogs to interact with, plenty of open field for him to run and even a pond for him to swim in once the weather is nicer.

   The third day we came to the park, I noticed the prettiest girl I think I've ever seen there so that may have influenced me to continue going as much as we do. I've only seen her one other time with her golden doodle looking puppy here at the park. Secretly, I've been hoping to see her again each time we come back. Unfortunately, today doesn't seem to be that day.

   Just as me and Finny start the walk out of the park a loud bark and a ball of fluff comes flying at us. "Shiloh!" A feminine voice yells. I scan the situation fast, determining that the dog seems friendly enough and is not going to attack so I let the two of them sniff and size each other up on their own.

   "Oh she's okay, Finny is friendly-" I start but when I look up I lock eyes with a pair of bright green eyes. It's the girl I've been waiting to see all day.

   "I am so sorry about that, she's never taken off like that before." She looks from the two dogs to me. "I'm Gabbie, what's ur name?" Her hand reaches out to shake mine, politely, I take her hand in mine giving it a shake before dropping it. Gosh, my hand were probably sweaty from finally talking to her.

   "Y/N." Stupidly, that's all I'm able to get out. Come on Y/N, this is your chance. Ask her out don't be wimp and use your big girl words, I tell myself.

   "Well hi Y/N. Are you new around here? I've seen you a few times around the park." Oh my god she's noticed me? I feel my cheeks heat so I look back down at the dogs as they start to play together.

   "Uh yeah, I just moved here a few weeks ago. I start at Iowa university this fall, I transferred in."

   "Oh cool that's where I go! Maybe I could show you around sometime. How about this, you give me your number and we can set up a doggie play date and then maybe a date of our own and I can tell you everything you'll need to know about Iowa." She's got a big beautiful smile on her face and it takes me a second to realize she just asked for my number and a date.

   "Did you just ask me on a date?" I need confirmation that it would be an actual date or I may get my hopes up.

   She lets out a laugh, and in turn that makes me smile. I think I could get used to hearing that. "Yes I did. Was I too forward? I know we just met but our dogs seem to get along great and I think you're really cute."

The smile takes over my face. Honestly my cheeks hurt from how hard I'm smiling right now. "I would love that actually. Here give me your phone and I'll put my number in." She hands me her phone with the contacts already pulled up. I add my name and number in sending myself a text before handing it back to her. "There now we have each other's numbers and you're officially my first friend in Iowa."

"Friends is a great start but just so you know, I'm hoping for more." She winks and I swear to god I swoon right there and then. "So I'll text you later and we can plan something, okay? I've got to get to practice or else I'd stay and talk." She leans down and clips the leash on Shiloh and so slowly she starts walking backwards not breaking eye contact with me. Finally I realize she's waiting for me to confirm.

"I can't wait!" I say and give a little wave. She smiles again and shakes her head with a laugh as she finally turns to walk away. Standing there awestruck I just watch her go.

"I cant believe that just happened." I sigh, "Come on Finny let's go home." I lean down to pet him and kiss his head before walking towards my apartment building.

It's like all thoughts in my head went out the window when the pretty girl I've had a crush on finally talked to me. What is wrong with me? I barely said anything, I should've said more. At least she was forward so I know exactly what she was looking for. It would've drove me mad trying to figure out if she just wanted to be friends or something more but it seems we're on the same page about wanting more.

My phone buzzes in my pocket pulling me from my thoughts. Only when I pull it out of my pocket an unknown number stares back at me.

xxx-xxx-xxxx Hey it's Gabbie, cute girl from the dog park, would you wanna meet me and Shiloh at the dog park tomorrow say 4:30?

And with that it's settled, I think moving to Iowa was the best thing I've ever done. I can't wait to see where things go with Gabbie, I'm giddy just thinking about it.

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