Confessions - Caitlin Clark

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The gym is loud with the excitement of another Hawkeye win, 92-79. There's a ton of people on the court congratulating the winning team, cameras put in the faces of different players, asking how it feels to win. I had stepped out on the court searching for the one girl I couldn't wait to see and tell her how proud I was of her, but as I make eye contact with her from a few feet away, the smile slips off of my face. Everyone is riding the adrenaline high, only my chest isn't giddy with excitement, it's hurt by the shake of number 22's head and her wide worried eyes telling me to not come closer. Really, I should be used to it by now. Her blowing me off when others are around especially if cameras are around but, it hurts knowing the girl you're falling for is too ashamed to admit to the world who she really is and what you mean to her.

It's been 6 months of hiding in the background and sneaking around for stolen moments here and there. Our dates only ever consisted of movies and dinners in my apartment, never hers. I understand where she's coming from not wanting to let the world know about us, I do. But our families? Our friends? I can only take being her dirty secret for so long. Gabbie, my best friend, pulls me out of my thoughts by grabbing me in a hug and spinning me around.

"We won! We won, Y/N!" She squeals in my ear. I give her a big grin as she sets me down.

   "I know I was there! Congratulations!" I give her a tight squeeze before pulling away. Before I can stop myself my eye trail back over to the girl a few feet away. Her eyes are already on me but I'm only able to keep eye contact for a second before I have to look away. "Are we celebrating tonight or what?"

   "Yes, of course we are. Party at my place, starts as soon as we're done here. If you wanna head over my boyfriend is setting stuff up and will be there to greet people as they come in." She explains, her body is still jittery from all of the adrenaline so she's having a hard time staying still.

   I laugh at her antics, but when I think about it I don't really know if I'm up to a party tonight. I kind of just wanna go home and throw myself a pity party. She must read the look on my face because she's shaking her head and squeezing me close. "No you're coming, you don't get a choice. I feel like I haven't seen you in ages, you've been distant lately." She whines.

   She's right, I've been so caught up with this thing I have going on with Caitlin I've put our friendship on the back burner. God, I've been a shit friend. "Fine, I'll be there, and we can talk about everything. I've missed you gabs." She's gives me a smile and pulls me into one last tight hug. "I'll see you there."  I promise as we pull apart. Gabbie kisses my cheek then rushes off to join the team in celebration. My eyes track her as she goes but when they meet a pair of brown eyes the smile slips from my face. A frown forms on Caitlin's face as she watches me, she must decide it's worth the risk acknowledging me because she scans around us before mouthing 'you okay?'
   The part of me that's in love with her is in awe that she'd actually check on me, and that she can tell something is wrong. The hurt part of me, the part that's winning right now, makes me turn around and walk out of the gym without responding to her.


   It's 10:45 by the time I make it to Gabbie's apartment, which is also coincidentally all of the athletes apartment, including Caitlin's. Though I've never been inside hers. Forget that, tonight's now about Caitlin or me, and anything to do with us. Tonight I'm going to forget about everything, get wasted, and hang with my best friend.
   I walk in and there's already a few people hanging around but none of the basketball players have arrived yet. Gabbie's boyfriend, Spencer, pulls me into a side hug when I walk in. I've always like Spencer, he's good to Gabbie and that's all I could want for her.

   "How you doing, Y/N, haven't seen you around in awhile." He uses his arm around my shoulder to steer me into the kitchen.

   "I'm good, just been here and there, you know how it goes." I feel bad for blowing off the real answer but oh well. "Now what's your best drink, bartender?" I give him a big, shit eating grin and it doesn't take long until his matches mine. I watch as he lays out two shot glasses and some liquor I've never heard of before.

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