Late night bus ride - Kate Martin

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It's only 11:00 but, god, was I ready to be back home. The team is finally on the team bus headed back to campus after a hard fought win. The game had started later in the day and we had to stay late for the post game interviews. I haven't had a moment to decompress from all the media attention after the win. The team definitely had it worse than me as I'm just the social media manager but still, I was tired after making sure I got plenty of footage to post online later, including a funny video of Kate and Jada trying to make up a handshake.

"You tired baby?" Kate asks with a kiss to my head. My back is to her front and her arms are wrapped around my waist, our fingers intertwined. We're towards the back of the bus so we have at least some privacy and quiet, with only Caitlin across from us and Gabbie and Jada in front of us.

"Very." I hum in response, "I can only imagine how you're feeling right now. You really got pushed around out there today. Had me worried for a sec." I take our hands and bring them to my lips, letting the back of her hand rest against them.

"You worried about me?" She asks with a hint of humor in her voice.

"Always, you know that." I smile against her hand and give it one last kiss before dropping it. "I love you."

"And I love you pretty girl." She kisses my head one more time before snuggling in deeper to the wall all while pulling me closer to her. "Now close your eyes and get some rest, we still have a few hours on the road. I'll wake you up when we're close."

Before she even finishes her sentence my eyes are closing and I'm drifting off.

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