Jealous - Paige Bueckers

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I'm sitting there at the bar, watching my girlfriend talk to some girl who came up to us, she had to be a fan the way she came over practically squealing. I figured she'd take a picture and go her own way but no, she's kept Paige locked into a conversation, that's clearly her way of flirting.

   Paige looks to me, giving me a look I can't quite read before turning her attention back to the girl. I can't quite hear what they're talking about but I can tell from the girls body language she's hardcore flirting with Paige.

It was my idea to not tell the public that we're together yet, much to her dismay, so I know the only reason she hasn't pulled away from the conversation is to not seem rude, or too eager to get back to me.

   The girl takes another step closer to Paige, her hand running down Paiges arm in a flirtatious way. And that's when I shoot up from my seat making my way over to them.

I snake my arm around Paige's waist, her arm immediately falling over my shoulder, pulling me closer. I try to give the girl a smile, but I'm sure it doesn't come off too friendly.

  "Can I help you?" I ask her.

   "Um who are you?" She looks me up and down with a sneer, clearly not getting the hint. I lift my right hand and intertwine my fingers with paige's over my shoulder, drawing the girls eyes.

   "I'm her girlfriend, hunny, who are you?" That seems to shut her up, her eyes go wide and she raises her hands before backing away, going back to her friends across the bar.

   With that settled, I loosen my grip on Paige and turn to look at her. She's got a smile on her face like the cat that got the cream, making me even more irritated. I give her an incredulous look before shaking my head and walking away, making her smile drop. Screw her for making me step in like that.

   I make it all the way to my car before she grabs my arm and spins me around. "Hey hey hey, where are you going?"

   I push her arm off of me and take a step forward, stabbing a finger into her chest. "What the hell was that?"

   "Woah, what are you talking about?" She puts her hands up quickly before trying to grab me but I shake out of her hold pushing at her chest fully now, tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

   "Paige she was flirting with you, and you just let it happen! Right in front of me!" I yell.

   "No, baby, I-" but I cut her off, hitting at her chest once more.

   "In front of everyone, paige! How could you just let her do that?!" The more I talk and think about it, the more I get worked up. My breathing gets quicker and a lone tear slips down my cheek.

   This time, she doesn't give me a chance to push her away, she wraps me up in a tight hug. My head resting on her chest and her head resting on top of mine. I feel her heart beating fast, matching the way I'm breathing right now. I don't know why I've gotten so worked up, I knew dating Paige would come with fans fawning over her, I guess I just wasn't ready to see it right in front of me. She's a heartthrob at this point, everyone's in love with her.

   "Breathe baby." She whispers against my head. "What's going through your head right now, hm?"

   I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself. "I don't know, I saw that girl who was all over you and I just lost it. I couldn't stand her being so close to you anymore. She was openly flirting with you, paige!"

   " got jealous?" I pull back to look at her and she's got a sly smile on her face.

   I try to push her away from me, a small grin also appearing on my face. "Stop, Paige it's not funny."

   "I know baby I know." She shushes me and pulls me back to her chest. "But it's cute." She says with a laugh.

   This time I do push away from her trying to land a playful slap on her belly but she ducks away making me miss. I turn around and put my face in my hands in embarrassment. Her arms instantly going around my waist, her chin resting on my shoulder.

   "I'm sorry, baby, but it's cute that you're jealous. If it bothers you that much I won't ever let it get that far again." She promises with a kiss to my cheek.

   I let my body relax into her. "I appreciate that but I think I'm ready to let the world know we're together, if thats still what you want." I turn around in her arms and cup her face, making sure she's making eye contact with me. "Cause you're mine, Paige Bueckers." I kiss her lips quickly before pulling away, making sure she know I'm serious.

   She's got a big grin on her face, one of those grins that hurt your cheeks you're smiling so hard. "Always yours, Y/N." She says, "I'd love to tell everyone that you're my girl. How do you wanna do it?"

I think about it for a second before making up my mind. "Hand me your phone." I hold my hand out and she puts it there with no hesitation. Her password is the date we made it official so it doesn't take long for me to get Instagram pulled up.

   "What're you planning?" She asks only slightly concerned. I hit the add story button before handing the phone to paige. "Take the picture."

   She nods in understanding, finally realizing what I'm doing. I grab her face, my hand taking up the side of cheek, and bring her lips to mine. I let the kiss last for just a second so she can get the picture. When I pull away, she looks at me in awe. "What?" I ask.

   "I'm so in love with you, you know that right?" She grins.

   "I know, I love you too." She kisses me again, this time more slowly before pulling away to show me the picture. We look good together, hot even. "Do you like it?" I ask.

 "Do you like it?" I ask

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   "I love it." She says, but she never looks away from me.

   "Are you okay with posting it tho? I won't push the post button it has to be up to you, Paige. You're the one that this will affect the most." I tell her, because it's true. She's the one in the limelight, not me. She nods and without another thought posts the picture on her story, for all to see, damn the consequences.

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