On Live - Kate Martin

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"What's up guys?" Jada says to her phone as we watch the comments from people roll in the longer we're on. Jada decided to go live since we were getting bored, waiting for Kate to get back with our food. We're sitting on her bed because of course her phone was fixing to die. Our backs are to the wall and I'm leaning over her, my head readings on her shoulder, reading the comments. "'Me and Y/N just wanted to hop on for a few minutes while we're waiting for Kate to get back with our food, we're bored."

I nod my head, "Apparently I'm not entertaining enough for Jada." I laugh and Jada playfully shoves me away.

"She's lying, I never said that."

"But you implied it. See, even the comments are agreeing with me." I point out, making her scoff and roll her eyes at me before we both look back to her phone. The comments coming in range from questions about us, about the team and of course Caitlin. Some are way out of line, but there's nothing I can say about them even though I wish I could. I know Jada sees them too because she asks her mod for make sure they're catching stuff.

"What food did we order?" Jada reads off, "Y/N decided she wanted Firehouse Subs and sent Kate to pick it up."

"Hey first of all that's what sounded good to all of us, not just me. And second of all, Kate offered." I defend myself and instantly the comments are flooded with questions about me and Kate.

Jada gives me a knowing look and tries to say under her breath, "Now look what you've started." Not all but some people pick up what she said and go in even more about Kate and I's relationship, making me laugh but I don't respond to any of the questions.

Me and Kate have been dating for almost 9 months now. Our relationship isn't exactly hidden but we both decided to keep it more on the private side, especially on social media. However, that doesn't mean I don't like egging Hawkeye fans on. Our comments on each others posts lean more towards the flirty side of things, making the fans go wild with theories. I'll repost a Kate edit every once in a while too, what can I say some of those edits are bomb and I love watching them of her, even though she gets embarrassed, it's cute.

"Guys ask us questions before our food gets here." I say to try to steer the conversation off of my relationship. We both watch as the comments come in, trying to find an actual question we can answer.

User 1 are you and Kate dating?
User 2 Jada can you say happy birthday to me
User 3 you should have Caitlin join the live
User 4 what's y'all's favorite memory with the seniors?
User 5 what's your guys major?
User 6 how long have Y/N and Kate been dating?
User 7 um Jada you always go live when I have to go to work, I'm so sad
User 8 is Kate declaring for the draft?

"My major is sports media. Jadas is education, right?" I ask and look to her for confirmation.

"Right, I'm thinking elementary education but I may change it we'll see." She nods and bites her fingernail, still watching the comments. All of the sudden she laughs out loud before scrolling up to show me something she saw.

User 9 Y/N please, I'm gnawing at the bars of my enclosure, you're so hot. Please leave Kate Martin and marry me.

I look from the comment to her, a snort making its way past my lips, then we both lose it, laughing at each other, almost uncontrollably. We don't hear the front door open or Kate walking in. She sets the food on the kitchen counter before coming into Jada's room, she stops at the end of the bed and puts her hands on her hips, giving us a weird look, which makes us laugh even harder, another snort coming from me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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