Shoot around - Caitlin Clark

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   It's the middle of summer and we're in a gym with no AC, don't ask me why, it was definitely not my idea. We've been here for almost two hours, and I'm ready to leave, maybe we could go to the lake! At first I read a little bit of my book but then I got bored, and hot. I'm standing under the goal, with my hair in two braids, and only my sports bra and a pair of Nike shorts on. I was hoping it would distract her, but no luck so far. She shoots and I watch as the ball arches in the air and swooshes into the net, no surprise there.

   "Making your girlfriend fetch your rebounds in a hot gym should be illegal." I say after I grab the ball and put it on my hip, I'm trying to come off serious but I can't keep the smile off of my face, especially when I'm around her.

   "What else are girlfriends for?" She asks sarcastically, also with a bright smile on her face. My jaw drops and I playfully throw the ball at her   But she catches it before it hits her, she laughs and I truly think I won't ever get tired of hearing that.

   She shoots another three and of course it goes in but I refuse to get it this time, instead I inspect my nails. "How dare you Caitlin Clark, that is not all I'm good for. You can get your own rebounds." I shake my head and pretend that I'm mad.

  I hear her coming towards me but I won't look up. Her hands cup my biceps and rub up and down in a loving gesture. "Babe, you know I'm just playing." She pauses, "Though maybe you could show me what else my girlfriend is good at huh? " Her head tilts like cat as she inspects me and she's still got a grin on her face. My head shoots up in shock and I shake her arms off of me, giving her a grin and backing away slowly, making my way towards my things.

   "Hey, you behave, we're in public, missy" I tease and shake a finger at her. She puts her hands up in an 'I'm innocent' gesture and says, "I'm not the one teasing here and I don't see anyone else around, it's just us baby." She stalks towards me and the grin on her face is filled with dirty thoughts.

I shake my head at her then turn to grab my things. "I'm ignoring you now and I'm leaving, are you coming with me or staying here?" She sneaks up behind me, wrapping her arms around my waist and tucking her face into my neck making me giggle at the contact. "Caitlin please I'm bored here, I wanna go to the lake with our friends. Can we go?"

   She gives my neck a kiss before pulling away. "Okay we can go, but only because I love you. Let me shut this place down." She lets me go and turns to start picking the balls up.

"Yes! Thank you baby!" I yell grabbing my shirt I throw it on before finding my phone and texting our friends that we'll see them soon. I wait by the exit until she's done and turn off the lights before we walk out, hand in hand.

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