Truth or dare? - Kate Martin

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   Because of the heavy snow, our basketball game got cancelled and we're stuck in a hotel, so a few of us decided to hole up in one room and play some games, watch a movie or two and snack. Me and Gabbie are sitting on one of the queen sized beds, Kate and Jada on the couch and Caitlin on the rolling chair she pulled from the desk in the corner.

We had been talking for the last hour about a hundred random things when Gabbie suggested we play a game. Before anyone could suggest any other game Caitlin shot forward.

   "Kate truth or dare?" Caitlin asks with a mischievous grin on her face. Me and Gabbie give each other a 'seriously?' look and bust out laughing. Caitlin shakes us off and asks again, "No for real, truth or dare, Kate?"

   "Dare." She sits forward and rests her elbows on her knees, preparing for whatever Caitlin throws at her. The stance makes me pause and study her. God, she's hot. She's wearing her hair in a low bun, grey sweatpants and an Iowa hoodie. Nothing unusual but man does she rock it.

   "I dare you to drink one of the packages of hot sauce." Caitlin says with a laugh. We had walked to the Taco Bell across the street earlier and they had put them in our bags, so we had some leftover from that.

   "That's easy." She laughs and gets up to grab a handful of them from the kitchenette. We all watch her from our positions in the living area as she gives us a wink, opens it and downs it one go, not even making a face. I don't know how she does that, I hate hot sauce. After she throws the trash away, she comes back and sits by Jada on the couch, giving her a high five.

   "Y/N, truth or dare?" Jada asks from her spot on the couch.


   "Who is it that you're sneaking around for all the time?" My eyes go wide and immediately find Kate. I expect to see panic on her face but no, she gives me a sly grin and raises an eyebrow as if she's waiting for my answer as well, waiting to see if I'll tell the truth or make up a lie.

   Recently, me and Kate have gotten super close, like more than friends close. We've gone on a couple of dates, and a few of them have had lasted till the next morning, but we haven't made anything official yet.  When I'm around her everything seems to fall into place, and she makes everything feel so easy. Well, besides the fact that none of our friends or families know. I love listening to her laugh and even when we talk about nothing and everything all at once, I never get tired of it.

   "Haha what do you mean?" I laugh and try to deflect. Maybe I can make it seem like I haven't been hiding anything.

   "I mean, you've become so secretive lately. You're sneaking out late at night, and coming home early in the mornings. Always texting someone but never telling who, you can't keep the smile off of your face when you're texting them. So spill the tea sis, who are you seeing?" Jada wiggles her eyebrows at me and the others all look to me waiting for my answer.

All of the sudden my hands get clammy and I study my nail beds. Do I do it? Do I finally come out to my best friends? I know they'll still love me and treat me no differently than they already do but still, it's scary. I mean as far as anyone knows, I'm straight and always have been but that's not the case and it hasn't been for awhile, I've just never acted or told anyone about it. I'm definitely bisexual and if I'm being honest, I'm falling for Kate.

A throat clears and Gabbie speaks softly beside me noticing my hesitation, "You don't have to tell us if you don't want. Jada's just being nosey." She nudges her knee against mine in an act of solidarity. I give her a smile before looking at everyone in the room. The vibe has definitely changed to a more serious one but I think it's time I get it all out.

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