Hate comments - Paige Bueckers

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User 1 she's so ugly how could paige be with her?
User 2 girls aren't supposed to date, it's gross
User 3 paige could have anyone and she chose her?
User 4 paige could do better
User 5 get this off my fyp
User 6 if paige is gonna date a girl shouldn't she at least be attractive?
User 7 isn't paige a Christian? She should know dating a girl is a one way ticket to hell. They need to repent and ask God for forgiveness.
User 8 paige pick me. Choose me. Love me. I won't hold you back like she will!

   Comment after comment I read and each one is worse than the last. Tears run down my face and I'm wrapped in a cocoon in my bed, throwing myself a pity party. Ever since me and paige went public with our relationship our comments have been filled with hate, or I should say my comments. Paige was smart and also highly advised by social media managers to turn her comments off, me not so much. I guess I'm just a sucker for pain.

I hear my bedroom door open but I don't look up, there's only one person it could be. The bed dips as she sits down next to me, her hand immediately going to my back and rubbing soothing circles. This is embarrassing she shouldn't have to treat me like a baby because my feelings are hurt.

   "Baby, what's wrong, why are you crying?" She's asks is a soft voice, concern all over her face. I turn my head into my pillow trying to hide the tears running down my face.

"It's nothing."

   "It's obviously something if it has you crying, just tell me what it is so I can fix it, yeah?" Her being so sweet to me has me choking up even more. They're right, I don't deserve her.

   "The comments, paige! I know you see them."

   "Those don't mean anything.  It's just lonely and sad people who don't have their own life. Plus none of it is true, you know that." She tried to reason with me, but I don't listen.

   "But what if they're right?" I blurt out, my insecurities coming to the for front of my mind.

   "What are you talking about?"

   "Don't act like you haven't noticed. You're too good for me, P, maybe we should break up." I can't even look her in the eye when I say it. It's the furthest thing from what I want but how can I keep bringing her down?

   It's silent for a minute too long before she says in a firm voice, "Look at me." When I don't she stands up and her hand falls off of my back and already I miss that connection to her. I sit up too, following her lead, but I pick at my nails in my lap. I shake my head, how can I look at her when I can barely look at myself?

   "You look at me right now and say it to my face that breaking up is what you want." She says again, only this time there's a tremor in her voice. A sob escapes me before I can help it and finally I look at her. The emotions on her face is like a sucker punch to the gut.

   I want to say something but what is there for me to say? No, breaking up isn't what I want, I love her. But what if she can do better than me, skinnier, prettier, no anxiety. Why should she have to put up with me?

   "You're not gonna say anything? All you're gonna say is you want to break up then not fucking say anything else?!" Her voice rose in volume the more she talked.

   I can't stop the tears at this point, but I do push past the tightness in my throat  "I don't. I don't wanna break up with you. But you should break up with me. You can do so much better than..me."

   "Are you fucking serious right now?" She whispers. Such a change from the emotion in her voice just a minute ago. She takes a deep breath and sits back on the bed beside me. Reaching out she grabs one of my hands that I had been picking at, holding it in hers. "Baby, please, where is this coming from?"

   I break. "I don't know. The comments just got to me and I can't think of anything else. What if they're right paige? What if I'm some ugly loser who is no good for you? I can't take it. I can't be the person holding you back."

She doesn't answer immediately but she does move up to the top of the bed so she's sitting next to me, wrapping me in her arms, my head resting against her chest. "Y/N, you inspire me to be the best person I can be. I don't think I could ever love a person as much as I love you, you know that right? You have my whole heart, you are my heart and soul, y/n y/l/n. And I think you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. When I look at you, I think about how damn lucky I am that you're mine." She kisses my forehead and I actually let myself hear what she's saying. "No one should ever let you think this bad about yourself, do you hear me? Those comments mean nothing. Nothing to me and they shouldn't mean anything to you either. You can't listen to them because they're as far from the truth as they could be. You love me right?" She asks.

"Yes. I love you. I love you more than anything." I respond with no hesitation.

She puts a finger under my chin tilting my head so she can see my face. "Then love me, no matter what anyone says. Just like I love you, because only our opinions matter." She wipes the tears from my cheek as I watch her in awe. This girl.

"You're right." I sit up, her hand still on my back when I lean over to grab my phone. Decision made, I turn all of my social media to where only people I follow can comment. A weight lifts off of my shoulder as I lay back down on Paige.

"I'm sorry I overreacted."I say shyly, tracing random patterns on her stomach.

She sighs, "Never be sorry for what you're feeling. Though next time if you could talk to me about what's going on instead of giving me a heart attack thinking you want to break up that would be great." She jokes, hugging me tighter.

"I promise, I'll talk it through. I love you, P." I look up at her as she looks down at me. Her blue eyes as stunning as ever.

"I love you." She kisses me, soft and slow, before pulling away. "Now how about we take a nap?" She offers, making me laugh. This girl and her naps.

I kind of hate this one but oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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