Silent as a whisper loud as a shout

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The Lost girls and I didn't go out much, but if there was one thing we knew how to do, it was plan a good ambush. We were experts at being quiet, thus we were experts at good ambushes.

Silent as eels, we slipped through the water, hardly making a ripple as we did so. We reached the ship, and I climbed up the backside, while lost girls swam alongside the ship.

I gave the signal, and Ivy and the girls sat upright on beds of moss, and began to sing:

"It was my mother who murdered me;
It was my father who ate of me;
It was my sister Marjory
Who all my bones in pieces found;
Them in handkerchief she bound,
And laid them under the almond tree.
Kywitt, kywitt, kywitt, I cry,
Oh, what a beautiful bird am I!"

The Pirates raised their heads, ran to the right side of the side of the ship, and leaned over the railing. "What beautiful voices you have," Mr. Smee commented with a smile, "please sing that song again."

Ivy smiled. "With pleasure." she said with sly look on her face.

As the girls continued singing, I scaled the back of the ship and slipped aboard the deck. I creeped across the smooth wood silently, and came upon the mast where the children were tied up.

Wendy was the first one to spot me first.

"Keri." she whispered eagerly, the children all turned their heads and smiled when they saw me. "Shh," I whispered with a smile, "I'm here to bust you guys out." I then pulled my cutlass, and began sawing away at the ropes.

Where the heck did Captain Hook learn to tie ropes so tight? I thought angrily. "Keri?" Wendy asked. "Yes Wendy?" I asked calmly, as I continued to saw at the ropes.

"Why are you saving us?" I paused and raised my head to look at her. "Because you, and your brothers, are part of the lost kids crew, and lost kids stick together." She stared at me, her mouth hanging open, but I simply smiled and returned to my rope cutting. "So you care for us?" Wendy asked uncertainly. I smiled. "Of course I do," I said, without looking up, "else wise, I wouldn't be saving you guys."

"Keri, look out!" John suddenly shouted.

I stood up sharply, and whirled around, my cutlass clashed with another sword. As soon as the clash died down, I saw Captain Hook standing in front of me, at arms length, with a smug grin on his face.

"Well, well, well," he purred, "what do we have here?" I narrowed my eyes and barred my teeth threateningly at the Pirate. "Hello, Black Beauty." he said. "Don't call me that," I snarled, "nobody but my friends and family get to call me that."

He smiled in a way that set my blood aflame. "But I am a friend, am I not?" He asked in an almost innocent way. I snarled, and pushed him back sharply. "Not anymore." I snapped, "you were never truly a friend to me, and besides, how can I call you a friend when you clearly consider me something much more?"

A sword fight immediately started between the two of us, and I found myself propelled by the anger I felt towards the dastardly Pirate. At some point in time, Hook stopped to catch his breath and I let him because I was a nice person that way. Though I could tell he was angry because I was showing good form.

He looked up at me and smiled. "What on Earth do you mean when you say I consider you more than a friend?"

I stared at him with an ice cold stare. He had a innocent look on his face, the type of look no woman had yet to resist, a type of look I could have fallen for about three weeks ago.

But not anymore, never again.

Things passed in a blur after that.

I fought Hook in way I never thought possible, as everyone else fought other Pirates, you could tell we all had anger bubbling up inside is towards the dastardly men.

But then, everything changed.

At some point during the fight, Captain Hook got the upper hand, and I ended up getting pinned to the mast. Our swords were crossed in an x, across both our chests, and I could smell the sea on him.

I didn't even need to think twice about what he wanted to do to me right there.

"No," I whispered softly, feeling truly afraid of him for the first time, "Hook, don't you dare!"

He leaned in further, a smug grin on his face and his eyes burning with something I wasn't to sure of.

Before I could even gasp, he had placed his lips eagerly upon mine, and closed his eyes.

To say I was surprised was putting it mildly, I was so terrified and surprised that I could have fainted dead away.

But I'm not that type of girl.

Everything practically froze around me, the Pirates looked like as if they were seeing the bloody ghost of Christmas past, the lost girls simply stared, the Darling children and the lost boys looked a little green around the edges, and Peter looked just about ready to explode. As for me, I felt like I was in a dream, and not a good one at that.

I hesitated before I reached up slowly with my free hand and weaved my fingers through his long, soft raven hair.

And then reality kicked in.

With more anger than was probably needed, I took ahold of Hook's hair and yanked sharply. He pulled his head back and yelped. I took this opportunity to kick him sharply in the rips, and throw his sword off to the side, before I smacked my foot in the center of his stomach, and held my sword up, ready to deliver the final blow.

And yet, something stopped me.

Three times I raised my sword with every last intention of killing him, but three times my hand always fell, missing my target by a long shot.

Finally, I let my sword fall out of my hands and clatter to the deck.

I hung my head, and let the silence sink in.

"I can't do it." I whispered softly.

"WHAT?!?!" The children all shouted.

"Keri..." Peter said desperately, "now's your chance to end all of this, to get the free life you've always wanted, to end the struggling we've all been through."

I raised my head and looked around at everyone, while considering my options. The lost boys always had to deal with the Pirates, and they needed relief. The lost girls and I had always wanted a free life without trouble or conflict, and the Darling children could have had been able to roam freely if the Pirates weren't around.

But I couldn't end Hook's life, and to be honest, I knew why.

I looked at the Pirate beneath me calmly.

"You saved my life," I said softly, "it would show bad form of I didn't return the favor."

Hook looked up at me, just as shocked as everyone else, he thought I was going to kill him. But I guess now he knows another thing about me...

I would never kill anyone, even if my life depended on it.

I pulled my foot off steadily, never letting my eyes fall from his.

"Get up." I said calmly.

Captain Hook scrambled to his feet, before he walked across the deck to retrieve his sword.

"Keri.." he whispered softly, "who and what are you?"

I smiled calmly at him, my eyes sparkling compassionately.

"I am kindness," I began steadily as I crossed the deck with steady, quiet strides. "I am the sunshine to all who need it," I now stood at an arm's distance from Hook. "I am me, and I always will be."

I came to a standstill with my chest lightly pressing against his own.

I raised a hand slowly, and placed it on his cheek.

"Now you tell me Hook," I whispered softly, as I stared into his eyes. "Who are you?"

Hook stared at me, before he sighed.

"I'm someone who doesn't want to take this fight further."

I smiled and quickly placed a kiss on his cheek. "Good boy." I said contently.

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