The feared pirate and the loved girl

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*Let me just say this now, this chapter is a little strange, as in sexually inappropriate, there's no real sex though.*

It was about late afternoon time when Captain Hook was finally awakened by having water dumped onto his face. "Do we really have a woman aboard?" He asked, groggily. "That we do Captain." Mr. Smee said ever so calmly, "though I don't suggest fainting in front of her as a good first impression."

"I know perfectly well it's not a good idea, you ninny!" Hook barked, he raised his hand and had every last intention of slapping him when a lovely medium pitched laugh sounded off across the deck. Hook raised his head to see me sitting on one of rigging, looking down at him with a peaceful smile. Quickly, he lowered his hand, his cheeks blazing a dark pink.

I laughed again as I watched his reaction. 'What an interesting man,' I thought, 'I've never seen anyone so skittish.'

Still smiling I lifted my head towards Neverland, and let my smile slip from my face. Although I knew it was for the best that I should stay here at the ship to heal, I wanted ever so much to return to my family, even though I knew that was pointless.

"Oh well," I whispered softly to myself, "might as well make to best of it." I looked out upon Neverland again and sighed.

"Excuse me miss?" A voice timidly shouted. I turned my head down towards the deck to see Mr. Smee looking up at me. I smiled before I floated down to the deck, and landed peacefully on the smooth wood.

"Yes Mr. Smee?" I asked playfully with a cheerful, calm smile. "What exactly is your name, and how on Earth do you know mine?" He said. I smiled, "it's hard to not know your name when Captain Hook shouted it everyday." I laughed just slightly at this, before looking at him. "My name's Keri by the way," I said with a slight curtsy for a good first impression, "but most people know me by my nickname."

"And what might that be?" He asked with a kind almost grandfather like smile.

I paused, before looking out at the ocean. "Black beauty." I whispered.

"What a fine nickname." A voice cheerfully bellowed.

I turned my head to see Captain Hook come though the Pirates. He came to a stand still in front of me, and did a sweeping bow, while taking his hat off. "Captain James Hook," he said, "at your service." He stood before taking my hand within his own, and kissing my knuckles lightly.

My cheeks turned a deep red as he did this. I let my hand fall out of his own before I smoothed my fingers across the spot where the kiss had been placed. "Oh," I whispered, "oh my." I raised my head to look into his eyes. "Thank you," I said "I'm glad to be here."

"Keri? We couldn't help notice you dropped this." Mr. Smee said before holding up the chocolate bag I had unwrapped. I smiled and took the bag from his hand. "Milk chocolate caramels," I whispered, "my favorite."
I reached inside the bag and pulled out out one of the half-melted chocolates.

I looked at the dripping chocolate, and shrugged. "It's still chocolate." I said. My mouth then opened, revealing my pearl white teeth. The Pirates gasped just slightly, and Hook froze. I looked up at them with a slight smile, and let my tongue, (which was not too thin or thick and a light magenta in color) extend slowly, take the chocolate from my now sticky fingers, and pull it back into my mouth.

"Mmm." I hummed as my eyes blissfully closed, I licked my lips, and then opened my eyes. "You don't get chocolates a lot do you?" Hook asked with a smug smile.

I blushed. "No," I admitted softly, "would you like one? I don't mind sharing." I said before I pulled one out of the bag. "Oh no, that's quite all right, they're all yours." He said.

I looked at the chocolate, dropped it back into the bag, and smiled at Hook. I was so happy, I ran forward and threw my arms around his neck in a tight hug, weaving my fingers through his raven black hair. "Thank you soooooo much!!!" I practically shouted.

He was stunned speechless, his knees buckled beneath him, and he stumbled, falling backwards as he did. Before I realized what was happening, he had fallen over like a cut down tree, his back against the deck, and my young form resting smoothly on top his own.

I raised my head off his chest quickly, my cheeks turning a deep red. "Oh," I stammered, "s-s...sorry, I-I didn't mean to..." before I could say anything else, I suddenly noticed his hand had raised itself and was now hovering just above my waist. I only had a small amount of time to draw in a husky breath, before his fingers found my waistline and squeezed the skin through the fabric of my skirt.

My eyes shot wide open as a spark of energy rushed through me, I bit my lower lip and let a stifled moan escape my lips.

Suddenly realizing what sound had escaped my lips, I slapped a hand to my lips, and scrambled off him like he as if he was a red hot stone table.

"S-s...sorry." I stammered, "I-I don't know what came over me."

But before I could say anything else, he sat up, took ahold of my sticky chocolate hand, and raised it to eye level. I was pretty sure what would come next, so I closed my eyes. And sure enough, felt a warm tongue and mouth lick and suck each of my fingers clean. When I opened my eyes, Hook had just finished off my pinkie, embarrassed, and not sure how to react, I quickly took flight and sat down on top one of the riggings, my face a deep scarlet.

I heard Hook chuckle beneath me as landed on the rigging. "I'm terribly sorry if I embarrassed you!" He shouted, "but I must say, you tasted delicious."

I was never to truly trust Captain Hook ever again after that.

*What did I tell you? Strange. Please like and comment!*

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